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Double-check your facts...


Nooklings Shopaholic
Jun 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
I'm pretty upset right now because I've been trusting online sources (wikis mostly) for AC: NL information, but one thing I checked and checked again has seemed to be proven FALSE. :( Probably originated from the Prima Guide... but just so you guys know before you accidentally fool people like I did - the silver axe doesn't actually last any longer (before breaking) than the regular axe! I hope nobody was dumb like me and sunk all of their medals on these stupid axes... T-T
It guarantees you'll get a special stump pattern when you chop down a (non-fruit) tree
I'm pretty upset right now because I've been trusting online sources (wikis mostly) for AC: NL information, but one thing I checked and checked again has seemed to be proven FALSE. :( Probably originated from the Prima Guide... but just so you guys know before you accidentally fool people like I did - the silver axe doesn't actually last any longer (before breaking) than the regular axe! I hope nobody was dumb like me and sunk all of their medals on these stupid axes... T-T

Yes it does. Literally every source, even from before the Prima guide, has said it lasts longer.
I think it does last a little longer. But I've only seen them at the island once at a friend's town, so I mostly stock up on the normal axes.
It does give you 100% chance for rare stumps. This I have definitely seen at work! But it seems they still only chop down about 7-10 trees and then ka-plooey! They fall to pieces. :(

I actually haven't used any of my own Silver Axes, and now I don't even want to! That feeling when a rare tool breaks in your hands... T-T

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yes it does. Literally every source, even from before the Prima guide, has said it lasts longer.

Well, tell that to my unsatisfied customers. I'm telling you, they definitely do NOT last any longer. And Prima Guide has already misreported on other things about this game... Prima really dropped the ball on this one! :mad:
tbh honest having my own copy of prima some of the stuff it says isn't really true
McQueen, I agree! But I don't know if luck factors in or anything... because the amount of chops they last for seems to vary. For example, my boyfriend told me his axes normally last only 5-7 trees, but I swear mine last closer to 10! O_O
My friend has it and it DOES last longer. The point of having it though is to get special tree stumps, if they are wasting it chopping trees and then taking the stumps off, eh, they should be going for the golden axe.
I don't know... maybe I should just go chopping trees that I've planted to see for myself. But I trust the people who came to me pretty upset that I said they lasted longer. Maybe they only last like one or two trees longer, but still, that's not enough. Even for 100% rare stumps because I have about five rare stumps in my town and they rarely spawn musrooms, only two unique bugs show up on them (on stumps in general, actually), and now I'm just kind of getting sick of them taking up space! :X If people still want the axes though, I'll just have to make sure I'm very clear with them that it's not like a double the time it lasts type of deal, or anything like that!

Now all I really want is a gold axe... Does anybody know if those ones always make rare stumps too? Or is it only the silver axe that does that?
Stuff on the internet can be false.

Very valuable information, that no one knew.
Thank you! Yes, I wanted to share the information I've uncovered (unfortunately after the point when I really needed to know that...) because I don't want anyone else to feel ripped off/lied to! I know I have seen at least one other selling thread in the Re-tail subforum that's still trying to sell these axes for 100k, which I strongly feel is much more than they're worth.

I just wonder when wikis and other so-called guides are going to realize that their sources are not as solid as they originally thought... I mean, if people got that bit of information from the Prima Guide and believed it, I can understand because Prima is usually the best for guides! I don't know what happened with this one... though I have my theories >_> *cough*didntdoanyoriginalresearch*coughCOUGH* heh... but yeah, I just hope the period of mystery and misinformation for this game will soon be ending! :rolleyes:
I was one of the people that purchased an axe and I got about 3 or 4 trees before it was cracked then gone by the 5th or 6th. If they do last longer, it's not more than a single tree. It does have a 100% chance to leave a cool stump, but I honestly don't think it lasts any longer than the normal axe.

I'm not sure what the devs have against axes in this game, but I'll just be happy when I get a golden axe and never have to worry about it breaking (which is weird because silver is stronger and more durable than gold).
My normal axes only managed to take down 3-5 trees before breaking. My silver axe has already taken down 8 trees and it's still in one piece. So, in my experience, it does last longer (at least it does for me).
I don't know... maybe I should just go chopping trees that I've planted to see for myself. But I trust the people who came to me pretty upset that I said they lasted longer. Maybe they only last like one or two trees longer, but still, that's not enough. Even for 100% rare stumps because I have about five rare stumps in my town and they rarely spawn musrooms, only two unique bugs show up on them (on stumps in general, actually), and now I'm just kind of getting sick of them taking up space! :X If people still want the axes though, I'll just have to make sure I'm very clear with them that it's not like a double the time it lasts type of deal, or anything like that!

Now all I really want is a gold axe... Does anybody know if those ones always make rare stumps too? Or is it only the silver axe that does that?

the gold axe has a chance of producing special stumps. more than the regular axe, but it's not every time.