Giveaway Drago is out of here on the 16th!

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Kitchen Mitten~
Oct 31, 2018
White Pansy
Red Pansy
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Sakura
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Red Tulip
White Tulip
Red Rose
100% (204) +
Drago the lazy alligator is moving out of here on November 16th! If you want him come get him!
Okie! My fc is in the sidebar. Let me know when you're available and I can TT to his boxing day.
Oh gosh I'm sorry, I'm available now and also tomorrow. Like this response so I get notified and we can get Drago to you :D
No worries at all! I'm here to help. From this post onwards I'll be online and available for the next two hours. After that I'll be available tomorrow morning up until about 5:15pm CST. I'll check back more frequently so we can get Drago to you <3
Hey you wanna come get him now? I'll add your fc, you add mine and I'll get my gates open for you!
Alright I've Time Traveled, he's in boxes. Just go to his house and talk to him to invite him to your town <3
Thank you so much <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

His plot is there thanks again
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