Giveaway Drago the dragon is moving~


Jul 22, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Peach (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
Apple (Fruit)
Rainbow Feather
Chocolate Cake
100% (109) +
I have Drago the lazy dragon/alligator up for grabs. Was going to give him to a friend, but he hasn't responded and Drago packed up today! So I need, if anyone has him as a dream villager to come forward! Please only ask for him if he is a dream villager, I got him from someone who was going to void him so I took him in, but he wasn't a dreamie of mine and his house placement sucks >n< Also keep in mind- he is reserved for the person who wanted him first, but if I can't get ahold of him by tonight he'll go to the next person who wanted him here~

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Please can I have him he is a dreamy of mine and it would mean the world to me!
Thank you so much! I live in the UK and its 9:00 PM so how long would a couple of hours be please?
Ok... Already promised the person above him, however if my friend cannot pick him up (which I don't know if he will be able to or not yet) I will do a random selection between you two to see who he will go secondly to~

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thank you so much! I live in the UK and its 9:00 PM so how long would a couple of hours be please?

Umm... right now it's 3:00 pm. I live in the US central time zone :)
I'm fine with that! I've never used this site before, (I'm very active in the Animal Crossing subreddit) is there a way to subscribe to this thread so that I'll get a notification when you make your decision? I'm in Florida and am available all day, probably til midnight or so, if not later :)
So you promised him to me but your going to do luck of the draw D: :(

No I didn't mean to get all tangled like this, but the person before told me his friend was registering for TBT specifically for Drago and posted literally a minute after I said he was reserved for you next. I technically didn't reserve Drago for him first, but he was was signing up while I wrote that, and his friend already said he wanted him! >_< Not starting any trouble here, so I will randomly pick out of you two if my friend doesn't respond first...
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I'm fine with that! I've never used this site before, (I'm very active in the Animal Crossing subreddit) is there a way to subscribe to this thread so that I'll get a notification when you make your decision? I'm in Florida and am available all day, probably til midnight or so, if not later :)

First of all, welcome to the site! You can go to 'thread tools' and select subscribe, or I can PM you (private message) and you will recive a notification @ the top of the screen.