Looking For Dreamies for 4 towns *towns full, can make space*

I'll be asleep in a few hours, it's almost midnight here now and I have to work tomorrow starting at 2.

Also thank you very much UglyMonsterFace! It would have taken A G E S (and has for Drago and Diana) to get them by resetting. This helps a tremendous amount!

You are soo welcome! I'm glad I could help. I have a complete catalogue of villagers so if you need any dreamies for the future, feel free to message me if you see me being active around here!
WOW timezones are really out of whack are they.....
huh I have school at 8-3pm AEST. im avaliabe at 4pm but you are asleep :( . Most possible way is just meeting my town in the weekends )which is 25-26th may for me.
Is it okay Stitches is not original?
He is wearing a bear shirt (which somehow fits him XD)
and his catchphrase is "Rawr XD!"

It's fine that he's not original, and that's cute, his catchphrase. Yeh unfortunately work doesn't give me a lot of time to play, and Friday I'm busy all day. But Saturday I am off, and if nothing comes up I should be able to play all day.

Just looked up what AEST meant. Timezones man.
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It's fine that he's not original, and that's cute, his catchphrase. Yeh unfortunately work doesn't give me a lot of time to play, and Friday I'm busy all day. But Saturday I am off, and if nothing comes up I should be able to play all day.

Just looked up what AEST meant. Timezones man.

Yeh... its annoying...
I wonder if my sis will allow it... She loves stitches a lot, he was one of my starters.
Wait your timezone?