Senior Member
Okay that looks a lot better! The wall has been broken!
But, in order from top to bottom, we have the following issues that should be fixed.
- The first sentence says "if your reading this". It should read "if you're reading this"
- "Well as the post title might suggest....." Have that with 3 . instead of 5. It's the proper way to have ellipses.
- (That sounded better in my head.) - Remove this, it sounds too casual for a guide.
- "Here there are 5 main factors, Trading/Cycling, Services, General Chat, Giveaways and that other section with everything else in. " - Let's just reword this as follows. "This guide has 5 main sections: Trading, Cycling, Services, General Chat, Giveaways, and other.
- You mention there are two types of currency, yet you only mention BTB. Mention the other. In addition, you should also try and list some other abbreviations for the currency. "TBT Bells" is one.
- "Bells you can see over here on my Profile Desc. <-----------" - Remove the arrow. Fully type out the word "description".
- It's not "mainly Villager and Item Trading". Reword it to something like "This section covers Villager and Item Trading, though other forms do exist on Bell Tree Forums."
- (I'm not god.) - Get rid of this.
- "With villager trading the majority of the time you can pay with BTB and sometimes you cant just because." Purely useless statement. Just say "Typically, people will want BTB in exchange for their villagers."
- "Item trading on the other hand goes pretty much like this." - Colon at the end, not a period.
- "Also for those wondering how to get BTB you just post stuff and get it. Simple!" - Wrong. The sentence is fine, just have it say "Also for those wondering how to get BTB, check out this guide!" Make sure to keep that link in there.
- I'd recommend paraphrasing and linking to this guide on how to send bells to other people in the cycling section.
- Your guide makes no mention of what exactly the tiers are. This is a guide, it should be as helpful as possible. Some new people might not know what a tier is.
- "So long story short, if your going to cycle, look up another post because this isn't the right place to ask meh. Also I "CYCLE" KFC at my own pace. " This has no place being in a guide. Remove it.
- "General Chat is General Chat and people asking to visit other peoples towns. Nothing to see here." - Remove this. No need for it.
- "Giveaways come in 5 forms: Bell, Flower, Item, Service and Villager." Copy and paste this in that section, it's reformatted and looks better.
- "Again all of these are easy to understand to the extent I won't tell you them" - Again, this is a guide for new people. You have to explain it to them, even if it is simple, as they might now know.
- "but Bell, Item and Flower giveaways are a bit more tricky to understand and usually involve entering a competition to win them for free." - Again, explain it, or just state that the rules may vary according to the host.
- "That Other Section!" - The header is either missing a quotation mark after "section" or it has an extra one before "that". Personally, I'd remove the one before "that" to make your headers consistent.
- "(Made by Kelsey Hendrix)" - Get rid of this. It's a guide, not a billboard.
- "Now I know I didn't cover everything in this thread and that's because I'm not going to restrict you on how you procrastinate these forums! That, and I want you to find some stuff out for yourselves!" This is a guide, you have to explain it I've said this before.
- "Also if this got stuck at the top of this forums feed I won't mind! Wink wink." - Remove this statement.
- "So I decided to make a part 2 explaining the other contents of these forums!" Good for you this statement is pointless.
- The header for the rules section can't be seen. Change the color.
- "Following the rules actually has its perks such as:" - Mention these are perks with other members. The mods don't give you free stuff.
- Link to the forum rules in this section.
- "There are some other perks but those are the main ones I abide by because I stay stationed in Re-tail and Trading Plaza 24/7." - Great, good for you. Some new members might want to know the perks.
- (I have no life!) - remove this
- " I like it! I have actually seen someone say that. -Best rule of the year 2015! IGN." - Remove this useless sentence.
- Fix the centering of the header for "The other sections of the forum!"
- You are missing a lot of what goes on the Museum. There's art, avatars, etc. Mention that.
- Didn't you already mention Re-Tail in the Trading section? On that note, mention that trading is done in Re-Tail.
- "(Did I have to explain that?)" - Yes, you did. This is a guide for noobies, so it's good you mentioned that. Remove this sentence though. It can make newbies feel dumb.
- "The Bell Tree HQ is just a mess of other stuff " You really need to explain what the Bell Tree HQ is. Though, I do like your description of the Woods.
- "and the Woods......." Have three periods, that's all.
- "one out for yourself...." Three periods is all that is needed.
- "The introduction board is where people introduce themselves and the Bulletin Board is where all the news posted by the Mods/Admins is placed!" Separate these boards onto two separate lines.
- "The TBT market place is where people can only buy/sell stuff for BTB and the general AC chat/discussion is self explanatory same with the AC:NL section." - Again, two separate lines, and give a bit of description to this, they're newbies they might not know and self-explanatory might make them feel dumb.
- "Brewster's caf? is again relatively simple as it's the section for the general everyday chat on the forums. " - Capitalize "cafe".
- "And finally we're at the Basement where people post and play their or other people's forum games! (Or chain up their victims!) Oh oops, he he..." Remove the bolded bits.
- "Cya until next time!-DreamieMad" Remove this.
Dude who cares about spelling. If you don't like this guide make your own thread with your own guide