Drinking water preference?

Drinking water preference?

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Jul 16, 2015
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I like my water cold but my grandma likes her water hot and I'm like lol I would never drink that unless I was sick. XD
Room temperature. Too hot is just plain weird and too cold hurts my teeth. I'm an oddball and hate ice in my drinks.
Cold. Only hot water I use is for tea or cooking/boiling stuff I'd never just drink it..what
I actually can't stand drinking luke warm/room temperature water unless its boiled and in my coffee. Otherwise, gimme cold water only!
I prefer room temperature water. I only drink cold water when I really need to cool down but even then. . .meh. :lemon:
Ice cold for me. Unless im having coffee or tea, in that case i want it "nuclear reactor" hot.
Cold without ice, and filtered with minerals for taste.
Anything else and I have a very difficult time drinking it.
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Tap water temperature, so I guess cold? People who drink hot water are psychopaths and ice cold water is meh.
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In China they mostly drink hot water, even in the summer, because it's more healthy.

I don't like any of the poll options, I like slightly cool, not too cold.
Hot or cold, just not room temperature. Sometimes when I drink room temperature water I feel like I taste something other than water. I prefer cold water but I don’t think it’s weird to drink hot water. Aside from it used for tea, being served hot water at restaurants is pretty common (at least in the asian countries I’ve lived in). Hot water is usually free/refillable and ice water is extra.
Somewhere between cold and room temperature... I don't enjoy it when it's too cold.
I didn't even know people drank hot water outside of using it for tea, etc. I don't think I could drink it hot because I don't like most hot drinks anyway. I prefer all of my drinks to be ice cold, with the one exception of hot chocolate.

I drink water with ice most of the day at work. At home I don't usually keep ice, so if my water gets too close to room temperature I pop it in the freezer for a bit to get it super cold again. When water isn't cold enough, it seems to have a slight flavor to me that I find unpleasant.
ice cold! lots of ice is ideal! room temperature tastes weird, especially if it's from a tap
Cold water is my preference. Whether it has lots of ice or no ice, I just love that cool feeling I get when drinking it. Even on days where the temperature is really low, I'll still have cold drinks.
It's always been cold for me unless I like to drink hot tea. I actually tend to gag a little if I ended up drinking lukewarm water. It feels weird despite it not having any taste.
In China they mostly drink hot water, even in the summer, because it's more healthy.

I don't like any of the poll options, I like slightly cool, not too cold.

Tbh fair. My grandma is Chinese LOL

And I'll edit the poll to make cool with cold

EDIT: Jk I can't change it
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