Name: Mary Onette
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Race: White
Sexual Orientation: No preference (any gender/identity)
Current status: In a relationship
Birth date: 3/27
Birth place: Maryland
Occupation: Seamstress
Hobbies/Pastimes: Sewing, Running her shop, dancing
Talents/Skills/Powers: Sewing, dancing, occasional modeling
Mary grew up in Maryland, and had big dreams to be a dancer. That's why she moved to Chicago at 18. She always had a great sense of style and a passion for all things clothing related. Her favorite part of dancing was receiving her costumes before performances. Mary was never good at many things, and her talent for dancing took over half of her life to develop, but she always had a knack for sewing. Something about designing clothing or anything made out of fabric felt good to Mary. She decided once she got to Chicago she'd take a chance and just go for it. Instead of majoring in dance like she planned, she went for sewing. That decision sparked her inspiration, and inspired her to open her shop. After finishing college Mary got an apartment attached to a large shop area, and opened her own store. Of course, that was expensive, so she did some work in costume design for a large local theater.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 184
Build: Curvy
Skin: Light
Hair: Brown
Ears: Medium, not very noticeable
Eyes: Grey
Mouth: Small top lip, medium sized bottom lip
Describe their smile: Awkward side-smile
Hands: Small
Feet: Big, size 11
Tattoos/Scars: Scars on her hands from constantly stabbing herself with a sewing needle
Glasses/Contacts: None
Left/Right handed: Left
Distinguishing features: Height (6’3”)
Style: High class, flashy, revealing
How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear?
Short dress/skirt/shorts, some kind of low-cut top, and any shoe with a heel
Jewelry: Cat necklace
Health: Good, but a bit of a weak immune system
Hygiene: Really good
Physical Flaws: "Hog body", very muscular legs but weak arms
Physical Qualities: Carries herself confidently, uses her hands a lot while talking,
Habits/OCDs/Obsessions: Constantly chews on the skin around her fingers, plays with her hair a lot, has an obsession with her reflection (whenever there's a mirror, she's looking in it)
Voice: Deep and expressive
Intelligence Level: Very high
Known Languages: English (but can imitate a few accents well)
Musical talents/instruments: Decent singer, plays the banjo
Likes: Art, musicals, cartoons, cotton candy, sweets, puppets, cuddling, tea, stuffed animals, sewing, clothing, shoes, drag
Dislikes: The dark, being alone, losing (is a sore loser)
Mode of transportation: Subway or taxi
Describe character’s sense of morals: Pretty good
Cynical: When talking to others, Mary will go out of her way to act like she doesn’t care. And most of the time, she doesn’t. She looks down on most others, partially to cover up her self-esteem issues, but partially because she’s so disgusted with other people. It’s a bit hypocritical, since she’s not too nice to others and isn’t doing anything special for the world, but she feels that everyone’s too caught up with themselves to look at the big picture and help things.
Huffy: For someone who acts like she’s rough and tough, Mary is easily hurt. She just doesn’t like to show it. Inside she’s a bit of a baby. She doesn’t handle criticism well and hates nothing more than being insulted. She can even get pouty over friendly insults
Lazy: Mary is very inspired and full of ideas. She just doesn’t feel like acting on them most of the time. With all her big ideas, she could do something huge. But, without having the recourses placed in front of her and a lot of help, these nice ideas go down the drain.
Insecure: One of the big things that holds Mary back is her insecurity. She always doubts herself and is scared to really go above and beyond because she thinks she’ll fall flat on her face. Embarrassment is her biggest fear.
Reckless: Thinking before she acts is not one of Mary’s strong suits. She is very impulsive and hates planning more than anything. Mary doesn’t really think about the future when making a decision, and often pays the price later.
Focused: Mary can take all her energy and put it into a project. Though she can’t get something done all in one sitting, the quality of the work is well worth the wait. The planning for her projects (like an outfit) is usually rushed, and she instead likes to fix things as she goes along.
Curious: Mary is mediocre at a lot of different things, just because at one point in her life she became curious. She’s a jack of all trades in a sense, and can actually pick things up very easily. When she finds an interest in something, Mary will obsess for months at a time, pick up a skill, then move onto something else at the drop of a hat.
Funny: Mary has an awesome sense of humor. She thrives off of making her friends laugh, and though she can get huffy, Mary loves self-deprecating jokes and uses them a lot. Most of her jokes come through sarcasm and dryness, but she can appeal to anyone really.
Passionate: When it comes to friends and family, Mary is fiercely loyal. She will stop at nothing to keep these people safe and happy. She’s like a fireball with her lovers, and is very protective of her friends. Whether it be sewing, or someone’s safety, Mary will put her all into things she really cares about.
Creative: Mary is full of ideas and new ways to do things. She’s ingenious and loves to share her concepts with others. Nothing makes her feel better than completing a project, especially when she’s praised on it. This creativity makes being around her a ton of fun since she’s always got a crazy new idea to share.
Spontaneous or structured?
Very spontaneous
Instinctual or logical?
Impulsive and very low self control
How does the character view life?
As a time to do as many things as possible and have a lot of stories to tell from a lot of interesting experiences, and a chance to leave a mark.
How does the character view death?
The end, no more.
How does the character view society?
A lot of misinformed people and sheep
What does the character want out of life?
Love, success, happiness, and an exciting time. Strives to accept herself and be comfortable with who she is.
How is she perceived by…
Rude, but really she's just nervous and awkward out in public when she's alone. When she's with friends, loud and outgoing
Loyal, but not always reliable. A little bit lacking in social skills
Definitely likes to do things her own way, which isn't fun to deal with
Very passionate and devoted
(Section below is optional)
Annalise and Oliver Onette
Are they still alive?
Did they raise this character?
What did they do for a living?
Annalise was a journalist and Oliver was a voice actor
How did each parent treat the character, growing up?
Annalise was a lot less strict and more calm. Though, she was a lot more "mature" than Oliver, who was constantly joking around with Mary and passing on his twisted sense of humor. They were both older when they had Mary, which made them very wise. Oliver struggled with a lot of anxiety and depression, which made him distant and angry a lot of the time. But, it was only for short episodes that came at random.
Relationships with other characters:
Aliza Rajar, girlfriend
What was this character’s life like before something, if anything, happened to change it all:
Before she met Aliza, and after she finished high school, Mary suffered what her dad did, depression. She distanced herself from other people, became anti social, and an emotional wreck until she finished college, opened her shop, and met Aliza, who got her medicated and helped her be less lonely.