DSi DLC Revealed

go to the dlc page for ac city folk US. It'll show you that they have something for the release of the DSi.
Yeah... the DSi comes out tomorrow in Europe and hits stores on the 5th here in the US. I looked on the Nintendo page for the UK and it's really hard to navigate. I can't find the link for ACCF DLC like you can on the US page. Hmmm
ryudo_dragoon said:
royal 9999 said:
it looks like another one of things that are hacked...
My point exactly, you can't tell a difference between DLC and HDLC. :b
Lawl. Tell that to Mister and Missus Lightsaber and their kids, red and green crayon
Even though I don't play ACCF, This is a crappy item. Looks like there's another Mario Set Item.