O rly nao?RockmanEXE said:One word.
Can I catalog yours? :3RockmanEXE said:From AXA:
Odd that it's not on the European site....
& that the picture looks badly edited...
Actually its real...I catalogued one. Its orderable for 18900 bells at nooks.
Awesome! Like the Travis said, Can I catalougue it?RockmanEXE said:I'm getting one soon.
C: TyRockmanEXE said:I'll make a topic for all.
My point exactly, you can't tell a difference between DLC and HDLC. :broyal 9999 said:it looks like another one of things that are hacked...
Lawl. Tell that to Mister and Missus Lightsaber and their kids, red and green crayonryudo_dragoon said:My point exactly, you can't tell a difference between DLC and HDLC. :broyal 9999 said:it looks like another one of things that are hacked...