Duke's town helping services

Duke said:
I'll give you old furniture, flowers, trees, and help pick weeds!
old furniture will be 100 bells.
flowers and trees is 100 bells a pair.
while weed picking is 100 bells.
Fun help: carnivals, fishing fun, bug catching fun, etc. free
designs. 20 bells ( for people who cant make good ones )
fossils. 100 bells
fruit. free!
Clothing. Free!
Deliveries. 100 bells

for more info or you want to become a member please PM me and post it here!



^_^ Master of services

and fill out this form for my services:
friend code:

P.S. I'll give my Friend Code and stuff later.

thank you for your stopping by at Duke's town helping services!

Enjoy what you got from me! :gyroidtongue:
Do you have any old regal furniture?
