Duplication glitch found

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I'm indifferent. Mainly, I just want the 711 items, and other unorderables *___*
I hope Nintendo will patch this, but to be honest I think they wont :( I'm too much of a goody two shoes, I don't time travel either... and I love to save up bells for rare items and trade with friends! same reason why i don't want the 3DS "hacked" either, at least for a few more years XD
I'm indifferent about this glitch, probably the main reason for that being that I think most of the super-rare items in this game are ugly. I mean really, cardboard boxes? People can dupe those and the 7-11 items all they want, just means more ugly house arrangements will be springing up all over the place.

I have used duping glitches in other games, though, so trust me, I know what it is to be on the other side of those who want to stigmatize glitch exploiting. My overall feeling on that is: get over it, bro! a. You are getting your panties in a bunch over some pixels in a game... it literally has no effect on your day-to-day life if the rare items you worked super hard to obtain become more common. It's just another aspect of life where the braggy try-hards ruin their own fun and try to make you look like the bad guy if you aren't busting your butt for stupid in-game items too. b. It's the game developers' faults for not fully testing the online interactions and putting more measures to keep glitches like this from happening. You know what could have easily kept this glitch from possibly happening? If they had an actual trade system, one in which the function or say, shop, for example, held onto your item for you that you're planning to trade until the trade has been fully completed. They didn't put that in even though it would have been an eternally helpful feature even in earlier games. I guess I'm jumping to conclusions, (but aren't we all anyway) but I think they didn't put something like that in purely because it would have taken longer to put out a new game. Well now the s***storm that's about to ensue will be on them, hope they enjoy! :)

Also, like Garrett and many others have said: Don't like the exploit? Don't use it! Seriously. It's that simple.
As cool as it sounds, I don't think I could ever duplicate. It would ruin the game that I have been waiting over a year for.
I hate duplication. It's addicting and it ruins the aspect of animal crossing. You need to work hard for your bells. Not have 5 mil in crowns be handed to you in 3 minutes. I did it all the time in City Folk and it pretty much killed the game for me.
Totes agrees :p
I personally won't be using the glitch, but if people do I could care less. I understand people's legitamate concerns with the economy, however I could care less about how rare an item is. I want the register from the 7-11 set for a theme I'm going for in a room, if I got to aquire a duped one it wouldn't make a difference to me. I want the item to make my room nice, not because it's rare.
I don't see how this is so bad, since the game has a lot of limited, overseas furniture that is extremely hard to get. Most people either won't know about the glitch or don't want to go through the trouble of trying to do it. I would appreciate someone who would duplicate sloppy furniture and the rare exclusives to Japan and sell them to me for a reasonable price below 10 million. :)
I sure as hell don?t wanna play with anyone who cheats, it ruins the game, I did it in Wild World, and got bored of the game quickly after that, I wanna play New Leaf for as long as possible.
It's either / or for me - I don't really care. An argument that someone brought up that I found pretty interesting and agree with was the fact that it will present more of a variety in the game. Meaning, when you go visit someone's town you won't just find oddly placed, ugly, rare items that don't match - instead people will start being creative and actually arranging their town/home with things that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I get sick of going to people's villages that have 7-11 houses and DLC out the wazoo that looks like crap. It gets old.
It ruins it for all of the people that work hard to get the items when people dupe the the desirable items and try to sell them on the retail board for millions.
I wonder who exposed this dupe glitch. I've known this dupe glitch for a long time because of my Japanese friend. I never decided to do it, or tell everyone else in forums about it. I don't want people keep duplicating and not make trading fun anymore. I know Japan had dupe problems ever since it was exposed, I didn't want other countries to do it either. Ah, it was fun trading with people while it lasted.

Man I miss the old fashion trading. T_T I would have finish my summer assignment if I can easily obtain stuff without going crazy on trading. But sleepless nights just to obtain those rare 7-11 stuff and other rare stuff is like nothing now.

*awkwardly raises hands* I had good intentions, but I didn't know it would go out of hand.
*awkwardly raises hands* I had good intentions, but I didn't know it would go out of hand.

Really? You didn't think people would exploit it to get the extremely rare Japanese DLCs?

Honestly, I'm not hating on you. If it wasn't for the extremely stupid decision on Nintendo's part to make the DLC non-reorderable, then it probably wouldn't have gotten out of hand.
*awkwardly raises hands* I had good intentions, but I didn't know it would go out of hand.

You started to lose your ground on ACC, caving in to those against the duping, "compromising." Stay strong. You're the hero Animal Crossing deserves, and the one it needs.
Why does it matter?
It ruins the economy, so what? If you like the item then that's that.
It ruins it for all of the people that work hard to get the items when people dupe the the desirable items and try to sell them on the retail board for millions.

Ohh my god...

It doesn't ruin anything for anyone. Nobody is obligated to use it. Besides, you'd still have your item so it doesn't affect you in any way. Why does it matter if it's duplicated? You're still getting what you want. It's not like anything is physically different about the item. This subject is kind of like time-traveling. It's there for those who choose to utilize it, and it's ignorable for those who don't.
Really? You didn't think people would exploit it to get the extremely rare Japanese DLCs?

Honestly, I'm not hating on you. If it wasn't for the extremely stupid decision on Nintendo's part to make the DLC non-reorderable, then it probably wouldn't have gotten out of hand.

I knew that, but I really wanted to help with the bell prices. I mean, 1 million bells for one sloppy item? It would be understandable if it was 200k, but 1 million? Really?
I knew that, but I really wanted to help with the bell prices. I mean, 1 million bells for one sloppy item? It would be understandable if it was 200k, but 1 million? Really?

Hey, I'm not hating. If it wasn't for you, someone else would have leaked the glitch. I mean, the only thing I want to do is catalog the stuff but apparently people won't let you do that without an insurance fee, which is ridiculous. I mean, just drop the item far from the train station in your own town, you don't risk anything >.> People are ridiculous with the DLC.
A thought occurred. Why are these "anti-glitch" people so against it? I mean, yeah, items are easier to get, therefore you can't charge ridiculously high prices, but here's how I interpret it. If you want something, just get it. You shouldn't be working your butt off to get something that looks ugly. (Looking at you, sloppy set.) Rather, you should focus on getting your dream house and town. You can still trade! Just because you can dupe, doesn't mean you have everything. If anything, this should promote trading. And the whole, "I want something because it's rare" is a little far fetched don't you think? If you get bored of your current house, that's actually a good thing. It means it's time to look for a set you don't have by trading.
TL;DR: Start being creative. Whining about rare items being easily obtainable is kinda pointless. You can still enjoy the game!
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