Duplication Party


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
User Title Color Change
Purple Mailbox
3 Envelopes
I sm going to be hosting a duplication party at my town at 10:30. Might be a different time, tommorow. You have to have wified with me three times. (credit to ackid9's good idea) If you have not you are not allowed to come.


Sorry if you were not invited I have lots of partys
^ ??? When is it? I'll come if I can get on at the right time, and, guess what I'm gonna dupe...CANDY!
my face when you realize duping items = hacking = not supposed to talk about on the forums

david is visage, confirmed for animal crossing.
williamd said:
duping is not hacking it accually a glitch in the games coding
how you use the glitch makes it a hack, depending on who you talk to.

either way, i'm fairly sure duping items and/or distributing them isn't allowed (publicly, at least) on the forums.

but eh. carry on, i guess.
Psychonaut said:
williamd said:
duping is not hacking it accually a glitch in the games coding
how you use the glitch makes it a hack, depending on who you talk to.

either way, i'm fairly sure duping items and/or distributing them isn't allowed (publicly, at least) on the forums.

but eh. carry on, i guess.
actually, thats right.
HES NOT VISAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm tired of these GOD damn topics on this GOD damn forum!

lol movie references
Why would you post this for everyone if you're only allowing certain people? Like 5. ._.

And a duping party? Srsly. *facepalm*