E:D's Sig Shop

Do you do animated avatars?

If so, can you take this and put 1:37-1:40 into an avatar with a Q in the bottom right corner?

Its ok if you cant, Ive never found anyone that can anyway.

Its Raiden from MGS4 ;0
I know you are pretty busy E:D....but do you think you could make me a sig with this picture?

Just put my name: "Bdubs2594"
Okay... my K.K avy is getting a lil old and so is my kirby siggy... though I still love em both and will use em later....

Anyways! I am in a HUGE Resident Evil 4 mood because I am currently playing it... so maybe if you could make me a avy and sig to match that would be awesome!! And... I don't know... surprise me... the only thing I ask is to put my Forumn name somewhere in it... and you could put yours in there somewhere too since you made it.

Please and thank you! PM me the results!

Scratch out my request...
I should've looked at this before I made my own thread asking for a sig.... Look at it it's in off topic please :).
I'm making this post bold because I need absolutely everyone to read this

Hi everyone. I'm really sorry I haven't been here in the past few days and I wasn't able to complete everyone's requests as I promised.

I was busy for a while battling some real tough personal problems and concentrating on some important school work before exams, which I could not concentrate on everyone's requests. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

But I'm better now! And over the course of the week, I'm going to work hard on everyone's requests to make up for lost time. Again, I am really and truly sorry about this and I hope I haven't disappointed anyone.

Thanks for making requests and liking my graphics. This shop means alot to me and I hope that it will continue to serve as a consideration on requesting a signature, avatar or set. :3
ummm can i have a sig of this Arbiter pic..(obviously only the arbiter part)


i want it purple ish..with the word Arbiter on one side and iPodAwesum on the other....

oh and make arbiter surround in like a gold glow...that would be sweet!!! :p
Everyone, please read my above post!

Er, I meant the originals of the images that you put onto the signature...

Sorry for being unclear! D:
Existence: DENIED said:
Everyone, please read my above post!

Er, I meant the originals of the images that you put onto the signature...

Sorry for being unclear! D:
What does that mean? Did you see my thread on what I want?
Wow E:D has so much work to do I could never do anything like this i'd be to lazy to get anything done :S.
I wasn't able to complete much today, but here are the ones I've finished:

Cool J:


Can you make me an avatar with this picture? Or my other picture.
you ctr + c the code then click on your name up at the top left next to [log out] and then you should see profile options. there you click change sig and then ctr + v