
Which Eagle is the best?

  • Amelia

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • Apollo

    Votes: 28 32.9%
  • Avery

    Votes: 8 9.4%
  • Buzz

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • Celia

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Frank

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Keaton

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Pierce

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Sterling

    Votes: 14 16.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2013
Currently, I have Apollo as my eagle representation on my island, and I love him to death, but I am thinking about switching him out just for the sake of getting some more variety on my island.
I've had Buzz as my past cranky and I love him, but I also want to have someone ENTIRELY new. I'm also a bit wary of not having one of every personality, and I'd be without a cranky if Apollo left.
While I sort out this mini-mess, I also wanted to survey the forum and see which eagles the forum is really jivving with the most. The eagles, to me, are one of the most unpopular popular species in the game in my opinion. They are generally very well-liked, but I never see them in the same tier as the cats, wolves, deer, or squirrels, so I'm interested to see what everyone's different opinions are about my eagle friends!
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Sterling holds a place in my heart because of NL. I’m sad that they gave him the double whammy of the exercise hobby (normally hobbies don’t bother me but it seems like he only wears a tracksuit instead of his epic clothes) and changing his house from a ballroom/study to a literal dungeon in NH...

As an aside, Apollo has fallen out of favor with me because he’s stalked me throughout towns and islands (I managed to get him for a while on my main island because he was in my parents’ island’s void).
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I had him in my WW town, years ago.
Amelia is great too, but not on your list.
Apollo is pretty nice and probably the "obvious" choice (he's just such a classic bald eagle), BUT I have to vote Pierce purely for sentimental value. He was my BFF's AC "boyfriend" in the GC version, and when he moved to my town, she actually got upset at me for a minute for "stealing" him 😂 When I saw him while island-hopping for a jock I HAD to grab him for my island. His design is also quite nice.
Ive had Apollo on my island for a while. I really like how simplistic his design is but the other eagles look really cool too. His house and personality are also nice so he is definitely my favorite eagle!
Amelia is one I'm REALLY tempted to get, in spite of losing my cranky. She's very beautiful and underrated, plus she's apparently supposed to be an Andean Condor or something like that? Instant fave.
I had forgotten that about Amelia's design! Very cool=) I've also had Avery on my island for a while, and I really like him. The crankies are just really adorable and have a heart of gold, and I love their low rumbly voices. Celia and Pierce, and Sterling are also ones I like. Apollo too, but as you said, you already have him!
Sterling was my NL eagle villager. At that tine, I wanted my town to have a fantasy theme so Sterling was the perfect jock villager. In NH I haven't encountered him yet. However, I did have Avery and he is perhaps my second fav. I wasn't keen on Avery at first but he grew on me. It was tough letting him go.
I had half of these eagles and I love them all: Amelia, Apollo, Buzz, Celia, Pierce, and Sterling. I love Avery's design a lot but I haven't had him yet.

Out of the eagles, Celia has the best interior and exterior. If I had to bring back one of the Eagles I had before it would probably be Celia.
But I also like Amelia and Apollo for their singing hobby and looks. Avery also have the singing hobby.

Maybe Avery if you want another Cranky or Celia if you just want an eagle and you don't like one of the normal villagers you have a lot.
Amelia is one I'm REALLY tempted to get, in spite of losing my cranky. She's very beautiful and underrated, plus she's apparently supposed to be an Andean Condor or something like that? Instant fave.

She's based on the Crested Caracara (such a beautiful bird)! But yeah, it's honestly hard to pick a favorite because I think all the Eagle designs are great. Amelia is great, so is Sterling, and I have a soft spot for Pierce because he was one of my first villagers in the series, dating all the way back to the Gamecube version. They're all really underrated.
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I like Apollo. He was in my town back on game cube, he was one of my first villagers. I've also have Avery and Amelia but I wasn't crazy about them.
Avery, Apollo and Sterling are very nice. All of the eagles are nice, actually. But I went with Keaton since we share a birthday. ;) I love the blue and yellow too.
I really like Amelia and Apollo they look so cool and aren’t your classic snooty/cranky in terms of their design. I also love sterling bc he has such a unique design