Earning BTB


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2015
Please could you tell me the best way to earn btb as I am saving up for a villager but I have nowhere near enough! Thank you!:)
You can earn forum bells by posting in certain forums! Forums like the Animal Crossing: New Leaf forum or the Brewster's cafe forums for example, while other forums won't net you any TBT from posting.

You can also earn TBT in the TBT Marketplace Forum if you have anything to sell. You can sell in-game items or services for TBT and see if anyone wants to buy from you. I've also seen people sell pokemon in that forum as well users trading/selling other stuff. You can even sell art/graphics in the Museum Shop subforum.

I hope this helps :).

Edit - Also, new users get free forum bells if they participate enough on the site! If you post around for a little while then you'll probably get a free 500 and 200 forum bell gift! I got a 700 free forum bells after online be on the site for a couple of days ^^.
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