Europe Ebony's Trading Post - looking for WA cards

Hey !! Would you trade your 221 - Kody and 238 - Friga for my 146 - Rodney and 292 - Baabara?
Lol the title caught me because Ebony is my bunny's name except with an i
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Hi, I have Al, would you like to trade for Ankha?x

Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately I'm in the midst of moving places so I can't trade at the moment
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Good luck with the move :)
Once you'll sort yourself out in your new place and still wuold like to trade I'd be happy to :)
Back from hiatus! And looking cards for the new series too

Inka: I'm not sure if you're still looking for Ankha since it's been a while, but if yes feel free to PM me to do the trade
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Salut ! Tu m'?changerais Digby (SP 213) et Frita (339) contre Tad(40) et Admiral(32) ?
don't know if you'll want to because it's only one card, but i'll offer my Kyle for your Genji?
don't know if you'll want to because it's only one card, but i'll offer my Kyle for your Genji?

Since you're offering a card from the older series, I'll accept. Feel free to PM me with your address!

Hi I'm in need of your Eunice badly and Marina and Margie. Will PM you :)

Replied! :)
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