Eguchi Interview - Great News

I think I just died a bit inside...some dissapointment and some relief
Ya, im uploading his interview to YouTube right now

The Auction House through WiiConnect24 is a great idea. I thought it would just be with offline players. See... there are a lot of good WiFi features... it's going to be a good game.


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Ugh, I keep wanting this more with all this info. I wonder if I should do the labor all over again or use my DS... I mean, that was 50% of the fun for me.
I mean, I'll end up downloading if they added even more fish, fossils and insects. Paintings too.
+Comedy shows, awesome DS-Wii connectivity, improved shirt designing, USB Keyboard, take photos
-Over WiFi if one person leaves, they all leave, no NES titles, no interconnectivity with the Weather Channel
...Why did you guys expect NES games...? Nintendo wouldn't want to take away sales from the VC, would they?
Bulerias said:
...Why did you guys expect NES games...? Nintendo wouldn't want to take away sales from the VC, would they?
They could at least leave us an NES so we can show high scores from our games on the Virtual Console.
NES games or anything to do with them wouldn't make any sense.
stormcommander said:
NES games or anything to do with them wouldn't make any sense.
High scores could make sense... you go in, press the NES and all your Virtual Console games/scores pop up.

That could be cool...

You could all see my amazing scores in Yoshi's Story. >.>
Seems like a lot of work to get different channels to connect for such a small thing =o
stormcommander said:
Seems like a lot of work to get different channels to connect for such a small thing =o
Wii has low memory.
Wouldn't matter if it was someone who only had NES games only.
Professor Layton said:
In the trailer, did anyone notice the bed in the attic?
It seems as though you can not customize the bed. =)
I saw in another video that you can just like in Wild World.
Kiro said:
Professor Layton said:
In the trailer, did anyone notice the bed in the attic?
It seems as though you can not customize the bed. =)
I saw in another video that you can just like in Wild World.
I swear somebody edited my post. :-/
If nobody did, I meant to say you can customize your bed.