Cycling Elysium Cycling ~ offline ~ MELBA moved in

I'm giving up, damn timezone difference ! You can give her to someone else if you want to cycle again your town...
Too bad, I was at home the whole day and I missed your post while I've been looking at a random "Doctor Who" episode at TV before going to sleep. Hope she'll go to a sweet town !

Btw, I messaged you on Tumblr too but nevermind it now.
Ahh, okay. Are you there now?

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I'm so sorry, my phone never showed that post :/ it was my fault for working at bad times and falling asleep. I am really sorry and I hope you find her soon >< I feel terrible! But time zones truly are the most annoying thing! :(

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Will hold for 20 minutes or so! She's cute!
Friga has been voided </3

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Gonna take a break for a while and play on my main town :3
If I didn't have Genji I'd totally go crazy for Snake :<

Stalking for Phil tho @~@
If I didn't have Genji I'd totally go crazy for Snake :<

Stalking for Phil tho @~@

I'm surprised there's any interest in Phil! But I'm glad there is! :D Hopefully he'll move soon.

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Nevermind, Snake is still available, I'll hold him for a little while because I know he's sort of popular!

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Snake has been adopted.
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Can only cycle for a few hours because of work! :(

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Will hold for 10 mins
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If I could have two Bucks in my town, I totally would ;A; He's an awesome character~
Can I have cherry :>
Your avatar is cute by the way , I think I've seen it somewhere before . Forgot that girl's name
Can I have cherry :>
Your avatar is cute by the way , I think I've seen it somewhere before . Forgot that girl's name

Ahh yes you can certainly have her <3 I'll add your friend code and open mah gates.
And thank you! She's Kyoko from Madoka Magica~

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Ok, gate is open! The town name is Elysium :3 Just tell me once you're done talking to Cherry and I'll end the session ^^
Ah , I can't I believe I didn't realize a character from Madoka :<
Coming over now :>
Ah , I can't I believe I didn't realize a character from Madoka :<
Coming over now :>

Haha, the picture is pretty small so I don't blame you!

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And I see yours is Lulu, are you a League player?
Haha, the picture is pretty small so I don't blame you!

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And I see yours is Lulu, are you a League player?

ooo i am LULU is a awesomw Support.