Empty Random Lamp


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2008
Yeah so... I was in the city learning some emotions. I came home and went fishing. I walk across the beach and well... I find an empty random lamp. It wasn't in leaf form when on the ground, it was in lamp form.

Anyone else find it and if so... does it mean anything?

=o_O= Nya
It's for wisp. Monday at 1:00, if you have his lamp, he'll appear.

EDIT: Sorry, 1:00 am
If You Give Him His Lamp, He Will Grant You Wishes :eek:

Wisp: Thank you for returning my lamp to me! I will now grant you some wishes.
Meowy: I wish for my empty random lamp back


But now I'm torn. I love my empty random lamp that I had no clue about, but I also want wishes! xD

=^^= Nya
Bacon Boy said:
I like trivial things. Plus to be honest, I've never encountered Wisp and I've never found a lamp.

I guess I'll just take a picture of the lamp. If I can't keep it, then a picture of it will do just fine. lol

:p I know... I'm a strange cat. lol

=^^= Nya