Eragon Rant

Nov 23, 2006
Due to want, I have decided to bring my Eragon rant here.
Mind its a rant, but most of the stuff is true.

It was horribe!

Why, you ask? I'll tell you why.

Ok, Arya and Murtagh are introduced in like the last 45 minutes of the movie, and they are pretty much never mentioned for the rest of the thing. Murtagh has about 10 lines in the entire movie, and he doesnt talk for more than 5 minute consecutively. Also, Eragon sems to magically know where Arya is without her telling him. Seriously, he just wanders into a castle and she's there.

Ok, the movie follows the book for about, 10 minutes right after the movie starts, and then it gets way off track. Saphira grows up in about ten seconds, (no really, she jumps into the air, some firey things happen, and when she lands she's full grown. This doesnt mean that time has pasted, because Eragon was there the WHOLE TIME! Aslo, she names herself.) the Raz'zac changed from the humanoid bird-things that there were in the book, to some kind of freaky bug-zombies, and Brom kills both of them. BUT THEY ARE STILL ALIVE BY THE END OF THE SECOND BOOK! Also, Brom isnt killed by the Raz'zac at all! Durza kills him! Also, Durza rides around on a giant bat! WTH?

The movie MOVES TOO FAST! Ok, Eragon spends about 20 minutes in his hometown, and then is whisked away with Brom, and then nothing significant hapens. It seems that the ENTIRE MOVIE was leading up to the final battle, which was the only fight in the movie, and was really, really bad. Also, Spahira grows up in like, 5 seconds! POOF, Insta-Dragon!

Ok, so Brom and Eragon stop by a little town on the water. There, Brom wanders of to talk to villagers and Eragon meets Angela, (who is dressed in this fruity sequin outfit, and isnt supposed to be in that town anyways. She's supposed to be in Teirm, which isnt even in the movie.) who tells him his fortune. WHILE THIS IS HAPPENING, all around the house, the village is overrun by those troll things. Certainly the noise would have alerted Eragon to the danger, but the fact is that BROM HIMSELF didnt even know that the village was slaughtered, even though he was there the whole time. IT MAKES NO SENSE!

Ok, Eragon can somehow use magic words that Brom never taught him. In fact, they never show Eragon being taught at all! Also, when Murtagh and Eragon are running to the Varden, Eragon implies and points out an army behind them, but they never even point out the army before. It just like it appeared out of nowhere! Also, Eragon and Murtagh talk about towns and places that havent even been discussed yet, and the only way one could have known about them it to have read the book. Basically, if you havent read the book, you wont know whats going on, and if you HAD read the book, you'll want to vomit because its SO BAD, and doesnt relate to the movie at all.

RATING: 1/2* out of *****

One of my favorite books of all time was magically turned into the worst movie I have ever seen. They just seem to make stuff up as they go along! Its horrible! If you were a fan of this book, DONT SEE THE MOVIE! It will ruin it for you! It was horrible. Definatly a waste of money, but I still find it amazing that a movie soo tremendously bad was created out of such a good book.


I honestly think I could do better. The script was a piece of crap.
I think they were targeting a younger audience than they thought they'd get. The probably thought they were catering to little kids who cant sit still for more than an hour. The movie was an hour and a half long!
A book as in depth as that DESERVED more time. It was horrible, because everything was rushed. There was one 5 minute cut scene, and that was it. If they had made the movie two and a half hours, then it would have been so much better. But I bet people at going to see it, just to see how bad it is.

Oh, and SS, in the movie there is no indication that Eragon loves Arya. Literally its just: "Oh, the girl in my dreams, lets find her. Its not that I know where she is or anything." I mean, they could have made sense, and had her tell him where she is. But that would be the smart thing to do.

Saphira is the best thing in the movie. I kid you not.

Discontinuity Errors that place the Book and Movie is seperate universes.
1. Brom kills the Raz'zac, so how is Roran going to fit into the 2nd movie? They'll probably just forget about him. After all, he's only 1/3 of it.
2. ERAGON DOESNT MEET THE MOURNING SAGE! This was some major stuff they screwed up on. I mean, now Eragon has to be FORCED to go the the Elf city.
3. Eragon and Murtagh dont bond. So how will Eragon GAF about him in the second movie?

Luckily, major plot errors like this allow me to place the book and film into two seperate timelines. So I can just ignore the films, because theoretically, they never happened. They're an alternate theory of the Eragon universe.

Personally, I dont really like it when books become movie adaptations. It usually ruins the books for me, because its so much better to follow the story in your head than watching one someone made up for you. I find that my versions of the books I read are better than the movies most of the time.

And, like I said, the movie is so far away from the book, I just count it as a seperate universe. It dulls the pain that way.

Now, realize that I made this in a post-movie rage. Most of the stuff still follows.
You forgot to mention that they left out a few major details, like the sword wasn't accurately made (sapphire in handle instead of ruby), Brom fought with the sword until the last battle, which isn't right, also, you're not supposed to find out Arya is a princess until the middleish of the second book, and ARYA DIDN'T HAVE POINTED EARS!
I aggre with just about everything you said. as I loved the books, and after seeing the movies, the glimmer just became a bit dull.

I hate book movies, becuase now I see harry potter from the movies in my mind when I read the books. Same with ron. *shiver*

I swear, the movie was crappier then happy feet. DDDDD:
I agree with everything you said. I hate the book but the movie made the book look awesome.