

Dec 16, 2012
Rad Bunny Balloon
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
Perfect Peach
Asteroid Plush
Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch
Tetris Grid
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Gold Trophy (First Place)
Rainbow Feather
> be a movie musical based on a musical based on a book

> the original musical's plot is thin at best

> be in development hell since 2016

> be delayed multiple times including through covid and the SGA strike

> hold a mildly deranged heavily-theater-kid-energy promotional press tours

> the critics love the movie

> the general public loves the movie

I cannot believe they actually managed to pull this off. The plot of the musical itself is...not the best, cuts a lot from the book. And this thing has been in the works for ages. I'm amazed that somehow it's not only a good adaptation but seemingly approved of by the general public, for which a movie musical is a hard sell to begin with.

Anyways did y'all watch the movie? I can't wait to see it.
I haven’t seen it yet. Honestly I find the press annoying. Never did like the commercials for the musical when it came to my area (that song with the yelling…NO!) and, more recently, that notorious Target commercial. Also, I’ve never liked Ariana Grande. (But that’s a me problem)

HOWEVER since the movie has good reviews and it’s winter (not much to do) I’ll probably see it. I’ve always been a fan of The Wizard of Oz (have the books and movie), so at least I’ll like the setting.
I loved this movie so incredibly much.

I was so excited when it got it's first true trailer last year / two years(?) ago. I am a huge Ariana Grande fan and now am in love Cynthia Erivo's singing! HELLO THEY BLEND SO WELL?? THE WIZARD AND I IS BEST BUT WHAT IS THIS FEELING, DANCING THROUGH LIFE ETC-

I saw it twice and am definitely going to buy the two disc bundle when Part 2 comes out in November! I adored everything from the characters, sets, songs, and comedy.

My parents even bought me the soundtrack as a gift! I really love how they adapted it into a movie and Elphaba's story really moved me! SO MANY TEARS AND AOISSSKSLSOOAP I LOVED IT- 💖💚🪄
It was good. Even better since I saw the original Wizard of Oz in theaters not long before that.

I saw Wicked at a midnight showing which wasn't really the best idea because it was a long musical. I was falling asleep towards the end.

I saw Gladiator II shortly before that, and I think Wicked was the more memorable movie.

Good job to Ariana Grande
i dont care about the movie, i literally just want this stupid press tour that ariana and cynthia have been doing to stop. like, forever. they're both obnoxious and ariana grande is a terrible person, same with her awful Spongebob Squarepants boyfriend.
Haven’t seen it yet but I really want to. I never been afraid of the Wicked Witch and I really didn’t see her a a truly evil person. I mean Dorothy did technically kill her only family and stole shoes from the corpse when they weren’t even hers to begin with. The Witch did have a perfectly good reason for wanting the Ruby Slippers.
I’m not really a big fan of musicals so I was a bit iffy about seeing it but I enjoyed watching it.
I enjoyed it not a fan of the actors/actresses but I love the Broadway play and it was pretty good. Now to wait a year for part 2.
I'm going to try to write this with as little fanboying as possible:

The movie was my first full exposition to Wicked. I'd heard clips of Defying Gravity and Popular on social media of course, and my choir teacher gave us What Is This Feeling to sing. I knew the general idea of the plot but didn't know the full thing until I got into the theatre.

I've seen it 4 times so far. Once in theatres with my friend, twice by myself using the magic of piracy, and once with my mom and the non-pirated version. I haven't watched the full musical but I do know what happens in Act 2 and I will be inconsolable for weeks after Part 2 comes out. I can't wait to see what they do with the two new original songs!

There we go, hardly any fanboying! That is between me and my friends who I know are already tired of me yapping about it.

Also I would just like to add that there was only one time I cried and it was during Elpaba's Ozdust dance because those laughs hurt me.
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So I was really apprehensive at first about the movie because I have loved this musical since 2003 when it first came out. I have seen the touring Broadway show 3 times and each time was so memorable and amazing. I really like how unpolished the broadway show is when it comes to the vocals where there isn't a lot of sound editing done. I also loved the original broadway cast and that is the score I am used to listening to in comparison to the movie version.

I loved the movie though, and I was really happy to see that the composer for Wicked the broadway show worked on the musical as well. I liked how it was pretty true to the musical and the scores were pretty similar too which made it easy for me to listen to/enjoy. I thought Ariana did an amazing job as Glinda and Cynthia was so great as Elphaba. I've only seen the movie once but I am probably going to buy the digital movie soon. The only thing that annoys me is having to wait until November to see the second part and the fact that part 1 is the length of the entire broadway show so I'm interested to see what they add on since we are going to be getting two new songs in the movie.
glad others agree that the press tour was/is a little much. there's gonna be a part 2, right? can't wait to see how that goes lmao.

but anyways, i'm going to see the movie very soon. i've heard really good things about it, and i like the songs! though, i'm thinking of waiting for part 2 and just watching it altogether.
i'm thinking of waiting for part 2 and just watching it altogether.
You should definitely see it now! Part two is a continuation of the story and whilst the broadway version was made as one story, part one stands alone on its own and is AMAZING. It adds so much context and little details that the musical needed as its very fast-paced but still iconic. Hope you enjoy! 🍀✨
I've never seen the Wicked musical before but had some interest. So when I heard about the movie coming out I wanted to see it, and I even watched YT videos explaining about the musical, but since I live in Japan that means the movie isn't in theaters here until spring of this year :cry:
But my parents got the movie on Amazon Prime so I watched it through their account! I enjoyed it. I think everyone in the movie did a good job, and visually it was very appealing. I'm curious how much they added to content compared to the musical? Is it closer to the book?

Reading comments here I'm interested in how far of reach the PR had. I just heard/saw a bit of it online since it wasn't covered here, so hearing everyone in this thread complaining about how it was all over the place was a bit surprising!

But I'm curious about Part 2 now. Typically musicals' second acts are slower with ballads and aren't as exciting as the first acts, so I'm wondering if Part 2 will be less popular overall? (I know for Wicked too most of the popular songs are from Act 1)
You should definitely see it now! Part two is a continuation of the story and whilst the broadway version was made as one story, part one stands alone on its own and is AMAZING. It adds so much context and little details that the musical needed as its very fast-paced but still iconic. Hope you enjoy! 🍀✨
ooh, okay! i was worried that it wouldn't hold up without the second part so it's good to see i'll be alright if i watch it now, which i'm definitely going to do now 🫶🫶 thank you, mr_keroppi!
I'm curious how much they added to content compared to the musical? Is it closer to the book?

But I'm curious about Part 2 now. Typically musicals' second acts are slower with ballads and aren't as exciting as the first acts, so I'm wondering if Part 2 will be less popular overall? (I know for Wicked too most of the popular songs are from Act 1)
They added quite a lot! The musical is very fast-paced and the movie added much needed context to flesh out the characters and make the franchise feel more "whole!" Lots of cute moments!

The book is an entirely different thing. The musical in it of itself is a different interpretation of the book. The book has the same characters and general plot points but is much more inappropriate and grotesque. Practically two different stories(?)

Part two doesn't have as many hit songs but I am super excited to see how they add to the story! Part two always needed more and they did a great job with part 1!
They added quite a lot! The musical is very fast-paced and the movie added much needed context to flesh out the characters and make the franchise feel more "whole!" Lots of cute moments!

The book is an entirely different thing. The musical in it of itself is a different interpretation of the book. The book has the same characters and general plot points but is much more inappropriate and grotesque. Practically two different stories(?)

Part two doesn't have as many hit songs but I am super excited to see how they add to the story! Part two always needed more and they did a great job with part 1!
Thank you! I knew the book was more mature but I didn't realize just how different it is.
actually i am holding space for wicked (i hope someone understands this and i'm not chronically online)

the press tour is actually so funny it made me watch the movie lolll. i've liked some of the more well known tracks for wicked (as in popular and for good) but never really had any intentions to watch the movie or anything until i saw all the memes about ariana and cynthia on interviews hahaha.

i'm pretty neutral about musicals like i do enjoy them but i don't go out of my way to watch them or anything. i just watched wicked when it became available for streaming and i really enjoyed it! all the music numbers were super catchy and i was surprised that ariana's acting was pretty good. i was teary eyed during the ballroom scene and the ending was really majestic. i'm looking forward to part 2!
I feel bad admitting this considering the resounding positivity it's getting but I really didn't get the hype.. like it was enjoyable but nothing remarkable to me. I thought it was too long (and this was only part 1?!), I thought some of the songs were kinda forgettable compared to others, I liked Cynthia and Arianna (clearly amazing singers) but I thought Arianna looked odd and that often distracted me and pulled me out the character

I loved the settings though, I thought the backgrounds were lovely and I loved the world building
I want to see this movie. I saw a commercial of it online a couple of weeks ago. I loved the old Wizard of Oz movie. It was one of my childhood favorites actually. So I really would like to see Wicked eventually when it comes to streaming in the future. I am not sure we will be hitting the movie theaters anytime soon.