Trading Erik is moving: accepting best offer by 7:00pm est!

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When will he be in boxes?

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I can supply you with some of the missing items on your list like the Arc Du triumph, Barbaque, Arcade Machine, aroma pot, arwing, asteroid, aurora screen, backyard pool, billiard table, ? block, bow, bubblegum K.K., bug zapper, and probably a lot more. Also can do bells, but i dont really know how much erik is usually worth.
Would really like this feller, i could also throw in Kidd Kat from my second village

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but i would have to TT him out
Ahhh that's really tempting. I got a 10mil offer via tumblr, so I'll have to think on which I'm leaning towards. I'd really like that aurora screen you're offering and the catalog items. Hmm. I'll get back to you in a few hours. I'm currently waiting on a villager to be picked up before i can tt another one out, and there's a 1/9 chance that Erik will be the next one to leave, but I WILL be tting him out!

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Kid katt is also a friend's dreamie, so that's EXTRA tempting. >:I
ooooh i have a chance!

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i'll do a bunch of those items and kid katt, it will help me clean up my storage.
Uhmm, can't say for sure! As soon as I trade a villager, I'll be time traveling for the next villager. It may or may not be him, but if it's not I'll be time traveling again to the next villager. So I'll be time traveling until he pings me.
haha sorry, this guy keeps growing on me, got a little excited :x
Okay been desperately looking for him offering 20 million bells and i can offer aurora screen and mermaid set misdin 3 items

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if u wana negotiate or anything else PLEASE PM ME
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