Event diys no longer spawning if you already have them?


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
Blue Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
I got all the bunny day/cherry blossom diys last year. This year I did not get a single bunny day diy(and no bunny bottles on my beach which was really weird). And so far I haven't gotten any cherry blossom diys either. I don't care for me but I'm trying to help a friend get some cherry blossom diys she's missing, it seems really weird to me that I didn't get a single bunny day diy. Is the game no longer spawning event diys if you have them all?
With my main character that I used for Bunny Day last year, I did not get a single duplicate bunny DIY from the balloon or bunny themed bottle (there were no bunny Easter bottles)

My newer character who hasn’t played, did get the DIY from the Easter balloons and the bottles. But once my secondary character got them, it also stopped.
iirc, Bunny Day recipes work a bit different and no duplicates spawn if you have learned all of them. If you haven't learned them, you can get dupes.

The other seasonal recipes have only a 5% chance of appearing on balloons after you've learned them.
i’ve obtained all bunny day diys and i still had the bunny day diy bottle spawn on my beach so i’m not sure why they aren’t spawning for you. i also found a cherry blossom diy in a balloon even though i have all of those as well but their spawn rate is pretty low so i wouldn’t be worried about those since they’re seemingly a pain for everyone to get. >_<
I am really am confused why they really didn't bother adding in new DIYS. I mean for new players its great for them but for me as a returning player since I already have the DIYS I really don't see the point of even getting them anymore. I'm sorry to sound to negative, but it really is a bother when there is an event you've played last year and yet its the same thing with barely anything new.
I know right? I played everyday but I didn't not get a single duplicate!
No Easter No Cherry blossom
Maybe it's time to play with my sub characters
iirc, Bunny Day recipes work a bit different and no duplicates spawn if you have learned all of them. If you haven't learned them, you can get dupes.

The other seasonal recipes have only a 5% chance of appearing on balloons after you've learned them.
I thought that this might be the case with bunny day DIYs, because I got all of them by Wednesday and then all of the bunny day balloons were just sky eggs from then on.
Thanks guys. I was asking cause I didn't wanna keep trying to get diys for my friend on that character if there was no chance. I have 2 other characters I'll work on getting them with those characters.
Sooo, today I actually got a cherry blossom wand DIY from a balloon. Despite me already having one.

Like what RollingAntony said, this must have been my 5% change of getting a spare recipe that I've already learned.

So possible, just extremely hard. I'd def reccomend using your alt chars to get new recipes. My alt who has never played Bunny Day got two new recipes in the same day, one from a bottle and one from a balloon. I prob would have gotten more but I saved my game after that.
I've still been getting bunny day recipes wash up on the beach but never got any duplicate recipes from balloons
So far, I have yet to receive any duplicates. But this thread cleared out my doubts whether or not I can still receive them.