Wow missed it by a few seconds... Oh well I guess! The last one before this lasted like 10 minutes, weird how this one was so quick...
Selling five red candies at 125 BTB each, send the bells if you are interested.
More people must've been looking out for it.
Yeah or just more people were up for this one cause the other one was at 6am for me xD
No idea, I gifted it to you for free.Whoops. selcouth, I didn't realize you gifted me a red candy. I had just bought one from VanishingKira. What should I do?^^;;
No idea, I gifted it to you for free.
Thank you very much. I only want one for keeps though so I'm getting a bit flustered about what to do.
Just sell the one I gave you for a higher price if you would like.
You serious brah.... I missed 150 red candy?....