Events & Collectibles General Discussion

Fingers crossed that I'm able to grab a blue from the final restock. I'll definitely be up due to this stupid illness robbing me of sleep, so I'm keeping my hopes up!

I hope there's some sort of fun Halloween festivity in store for TBT tomorrow. Perhaps a new candy or the return of the lantern and scroll? :D
What time will the restock be in CST? Not even sure if they announced the time for it
I think Beiber is gonna do an event that includes obtaining the Dark Candy.... Not sure though.
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What time will the restock be in CST? Not even sure if they announced the time for it

I think Sholee was the one who predicted 12am PST, which would be 2am CST for us. I'm pretty sure there isn't an exact time for it though, because really, it can be anytime.