Events & Collectibles General Discussion

Do you not have the full set? I would be willing to spare a green candy for you if you don't already have one

Yes, i do have the full set, and you are very sweet to write that. But i would like to achieve buying from a restock just once. I was actually here last year and didnt have any from the restock either! I would just like to know the thrill of clicking, then actually buying it, lol. I dont even know if that makes sense.
I used the toothpaste hours ago, but it hasn't kicked in yet, I guess. Maybe if I go brush my teeth for real. (lol)
Odd, it should happen after a few mins. Are you sure you configured it and send the "message".
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I wonder if the Dark Candy will come back next year and still be on the same people that didn't manage to cure themselves in time :confused: