There's no collectibles like the Dusty Scroll or Ancient Lantern this year, sorry!
//flips table (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ #thestruggle
There's no collectibles like the Dusty Scroll or Ancient Lantern this year, sorry!
Not really. Now Sheniqua has gone into hiding until the next Direct
Who is Sheniqua?
That is exactly why I stopped posting in the woods lol. I figured they weren't giving them out since there were no new riddles. Lol.THE WHAT
//flips table (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ #thestruggle
Sheniqua was a term we used for hoarders/people who got the full set and carried on buying.
Not really. Now Sheniqua has gone into hiding until the next Direct
Love you all.
oh! I got so confused during the restock who it was xD
It was pretty obvious what Sheniqua meant IMo
how much is blue candy worth?
2k TBT