Events & Collectibles General Discussion

I've been dead for a few days. I thought this place would reach at least 900 pages by now. lol

Ugh. Bluh I know what you mean. The whole thing with the candy re-stocks and national streetpass weekend during Halloween left me a tad exhausted.

Though I figured things would quiet down after the Halloween.
More then 3 people have weird doll. the only ones so far I know: Netflix, zulehan, biggkitty, professor gallows and sporge27

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And jake has one
Yeah! I didn't know there were that many on active members! :) Well Netflix doesn't count as she hasn't been on in months. :p And Jake has the best collectible setup ever man! :3
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I used to have one, until I sold it. I DIDN'T KNOW HOW VALUABLE IT WAS :(
I used to have one, until I sold it. I DIDN'T KNOW HOW VALUABLE IT WAS :(


meanwhile the closer and closer we get to christmas, the less people seem to want candies/popsciles. sigh.

meanwhile the closer and closer we get to christmas, the less people seem to want candies/popsciles. sigh.

I feel you very much, maybe they are waiting for Christmas for a reason, to cold for popsicles and other sweets instead of candy ;P
Yeah. It was something you could only buy in 2012 around Halloween. Almost every member that has/had it is inactive now. :( So it's rare finding one, and don't get any hopes up. :(
I wonder if we can suggest collectibles for the TBT shop. I already suggested Mexican food, and then pizza. I still don't get why apples aren't in stock.
I wonder if we can suggest collectibles for the TBT shop. I already suggested Mexican food, and then pizza. I still don't get why apples aren't in stock.

I don't see food making the best collectibles. Like the popsicle and ice cream from summer? Cute!! But like a bunch of foods I don't think so...

well anyway foods like that. :p

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The apple

Ohhh yeah! They were voted as favorite fruit so of course they're going to be coming last. ;)
I don't see food making the best collectibles. Like the popsicle and ice cream from summer? Cute!! But like a bunch of foods I don't think so...

well anyway foods like that. :p

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Ohhh yeah! They were voted as favorite fruit so of course they're going to be coming last. ;)

Before, I mentioned that they should make a moon cake collectible when it was around Mid-Autumn Festival ;D
guess who has TOGEPI
i will cherish it forever god bless america
@Apple: ah yes the generic mexican food
why would we need mexican food as a collectible
you have to be specific about this, theres tons and tons of mexican food

@Vizionari: MOON CAKE SOUNDS THE BEST. gosh.