Events & Collectibles General Discussion

Does it announce all restocks, like earlier there was a cherry restock but it wasn't announced.

No, it doesn't. Sometimes a restock will come out of nowhere. They're usually small though, like one or two cherries, choco cakes, or peaches.
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nice one sej buying pink and selling for 261TBT profit
too random restocks
Went to sleep half an hour before the cherry restock, then woke up at 4AM. Nothing happened so went to sleep again at 7AM then missed another restock. I'm just going to try and continue my life, instead of taking away my plans and sleep for collectibles on a forum. Feels like Justin is purposely doing this to me rofl.
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It's not like anyone else missed it Kira :x

Was it really smart basing your life around random 1 collectible restocks in the first place?