Ever had an Animal Crossing dream?

The most recent AC dream I had was a few nights ago. The memory is quite foggy but I recall just aimlessly walking through my island and the Museum.
I once dreamed that Maple disappeared from my island. It was a small part of a larger, non video-gamey dream, but still.
Yup, lol. I've had dreams where I was able to craft and order items that didn't exist in any of the previous games--basically my mind wished for items I have in real life. I'm always sad when I wake up. :c
A few days before New Horizon hit the shelves I was dreaming that I was playing it. I was in my room, with it in handheld mode, and thought to myself 'It'd be terrible if I dropped this in water and lost all my data.' And then I dropped it into a pothole full of water (even though I was in my room?

I do remember one time when I was camping, I was trying to go to sleep and closed my eyes only to vividly imagine the inside of the igloo exteriors from AC-PG. In such detail as if I was playing it again along with the music and all. The weird thing is I hadn't played the game in years and the fever dream just came out of nowhere.
I remember having some when playing NL or HHD still, but I haven’t had any yet now with NH.
I hope no one minds this bump, because I just had a dream that involved Animal Crossing for a part.

Apparently, a new hat was added that looked like one of these: 🍸. It had physics, with the thing inside moving and rotating as you moved while wearing it. It was filled with blue liquid. Some other guy and me wanted the hat, causing me to think about the Birthday Hat and how I time traveled to get it (real, not in the dream), not wanting to become obsessed with this hat too.

The guy was playing the game, running down a sideways slope, then up. (The game had the standard "rolling" camera effect.) When he did, Gabi was seen standing, who might've done the "❗" reaction before being spoken to. She talked about Tom Nook's shop, turned a bit to the left of the human she was talking to, then started handing an unknown item to him. I think she took it out of her right "pocket", but I don't remember if that's what the actual games do.

My mind quickly rendered and overlaid its own 3D model of a boy facing her, playing the animation of grabbing the item then storing it in his pockets. I forget which side he put it in, to but I'm thinking the left side. I wasn't watching the actual character off to the left as it was busy rendering its own character.

That's all I remember of the Animal Crossing part, but I think the guy in the dream told me that I'd better not “cheat” to get the hat early, though if we were too late for the hat, we'd time travel backwards to get it.
Once, in the times of New Leaf, I had a dream that after entering Gulliver’s rv in the campsite, the parking brake came loose and the rv went flying into Eugene’s house. Then I remember that Eugene had to bunk in my basement while Nook rebuilt his house. One day when I got home, there was a note left by Eugene that said he had run away to become a mariachi dancer and that he had left all his bells in my bank account. The dream was pretty fuzzy after that lol.
a while ago after i finished most of the decorating on my island, i had a dream that i lived on it as my main character and just went around and hung out with my villagers and i was just living life

for some reason, i'm always aware i'm dreaming i recently found out that's not normal
and so i really felt like i was on my island, it was the most peaceful dream i've ever had and i never wanted to wake up
That Hotel idea seems really cool.

My dream is that I was feeling down and I was just sitting down by the wall feeling lonely. Then all of my villagers came up to me and then sat next to me and give me a hug telling me "We are all here for you no matter what happens" and I just felt very happy.
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The other day I dreamt of my NH character walking along a dirt path like normal. However, as she kept walking dirt patches kept popping up here and there like if the grass was deteriorating. For a second I thought that i was playing New Leaf again, but then I woke up.
A couple years ago I had a dream where there were like amazing awesome super cool upgrades in New Leaf and the city had like 10 shops full of a bunch of stuff, it almost looked like the city in city folk. There was also this like area in the HHA house display in my dream that you could do a hack to visit a secret shop area with like a food shop where you could eat and Redd's and Katrina's tents were there 24/7. There were like, almost food trucks but fancy food trucks that you could enter and buy even more fancy stuff, plus you could work for timmy and tommy. It was a really good dream that I had multiple dreams about afterwards.

I woke up later and low key thought I wasn't dreaming so when I started up my New Leaf game I was disappointed to see that my town didn't have a bunch of bougie fancy shops and I was sad D:

I've had other dreams of animal crossing but that one was probably the most memorable.
Once I had a dream where Me, Francine, Clyde, Eugene, and Stitches all went out on a DND style adventure to save the island from the clutches of evil. Then I woke up to boring old life.
A few, but I can't recall them! I believe once I kept moving one of my villager's houses on repeat, trying to find the perfect place.

I also remember having a dream about Kyle, and he was talking to me in real life? He still looked like a wolf and such, but he was in my home speaking with me. Very odd.
Last night I dreamed that there was an Animal Crossing game where you work at a hotel, with Tom Nook as the manager, and you have to make improvements to the hotel to attract more guests. Various villagers come and go every day, but one villager is also an employee at the hotel (mine was Bob) and helps you make improvements. At the end of the game, once you’ve improved the hotel to its highest rating, you get a love confession from your co-worker villager lol, then Tom Nook bakes a cake to celebrate and it ends with a group photo outside the hotel as the credits roll.

All in all it was actually really sweet. 10/10 would play again.

Interested in hearing about other peeps’ AC related dreams! ❤
This reminds me of Sims 2 DS actually xD Sims 2 DS meets Animal Crossing, sounds great hahaaaa

As for me I mainly had vaguely creepy dreams of being stuck in a bèta world of Animal Crossing gamecube where things were super *off*
I am completely surprised that I have not ever had one. I've been playing daily for years.
I don't think I've ever had an Animal Crossing dream. With the pandemic, I have a new recurring dream, although it has nothing to do with the pandemic. It has to do with being in my car and stopping somewhere, thinking I'm at my destination, only to discover I'm still quite far from the destination. But then I can't remember where my car is and I have to finish getting to the destination some other way. Sometimes I have to stay at a hotel and it's overpriced. This recurring nightmare would probably be more fun if Animal Crossing characters showed up in it.
I don't think I've ever had an Animal Crossing dream but recently I've had a lot of very short dreams multiple times throughout the night and in one last night I finally found the charger for my 3DS, so I put in on charge and had New Leaf ready to play and just as I was starting it up I woke up, probably the closest I've got to an AC dream.

A while ago, I had a dream where I was doing a catalog session hosted by some guy (he looked like a Steve so i'll just call him Steve). I picked up an item, but for whatever reason I couldn't drop it back on the floor. I was freaking out, and Steve got angry since he thought I was planning on stealing all the items, and kicked me off the island. I was banned from TBT for life for attempting to steal from other players. It was... an interesting dream.
About a week ago I dreamed that I got Tangy and my campsite and finally replaced Marshal 🍊 🐱
I was super disappointed when I woke up lol