Evergeen's Flag Race! (Evergreen Cabin)

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Project Staff
Jul 11, 2013
Galaxy Pizza
Yellow Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Silver Star Glow Wand
Galaxy Cupcake
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Enchanted Bloom
Toy Hammer

I maaaay have used a few materials while practicing how to write with my non-dominant hand.
You'll need to find your own for this event!

Lo-and-behold: our team is Evergreen and as unchanging as the sea! And you know what seas have? Pirates! And what do pirates have? Flags! Awesome segue, right? Ignore the fact that we're not pirates, nor are we at sea.

Anyways, we obviously need a team flag! Something that represents us, and which will strike awe and fear into the other cabins, to make them think of us fondly (or not-so-fondly, if we beat them 😏)! And to spice up the deal... we've got Campfire Tokens to award for this! 🎉

How it works 🌲

To submit a flag design, simply post in this thread with your design, following the Flag Submission Guidelines below.

To vote on a flag design, simply leave a reaction on the flag designs that you like. You can use any reaction: they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time! The design with the most reactions will become our cabin flag; however, camp counselors will make a decision if needed (e.g. in the case of ties).

You have until Sunday, August 15th at 6PM EDT to submit and vote for our flag design.

Flag Submission Guidelines 🌲

  • Entries may be hand-drawn or digitally drawn
  • Your submitted design must have an aspect ratio of 2:3 (e.g.: if the height is 400 pixels, the width should be 600 pixels)
  • Your submission must be your own work
  • A reasonable amount of effort must be put into your creation. Those that appear rushed or submitted jokingly will not be accepted
  • Keep your creation appropriate for a PG-13 audience

Prizes 🌲

  • 10 campfire tokens for an entry
  • An additional 10 campfire tokens to the selected flag
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looks like my printer paper isn't retiring just yet, i just wish i had green anything to use lmao
If it is hand drawn, how big does it have to be? Should it like take up a whole piece of printer paper? Sorry I know you wrote aspect ratio of 2:3 but I honestly don’t know what that is.
If it is hand drawn, how big does it have to be? Should it like take up a whole piece of printer paper? Sorry I know you wrote aspect ratio of 2:3 but I honestly don’t know what that is.
I'm assuming your paper is A4 (8.5" x 11"), so the easiest dimensions to draw in would be 6" x 9" or 18cm x 27cm (depending on what type of ruler you have -- I'm just throwing whole numbers).

(2:3 aspect ratio means the ratio of dimensions is 2:3 -- you can divide the length of the shorter side by 2 and multiply it by 3 to get the length of the other side!)

I decided to feature the flowers of some flowering evergreens for my entry. Specifically I used a Creeping Myrtle flower in the center, and Daphne and Mountain Laurel flowers on the sides. The background is our team color and it also represents the green of the evergreens. The brown lines represent the bark of evergreen trees/shrubs/etc.
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