Expand your Music tastes

BE WARNED: This playlist contains a LOT-- and I MEAN a lot-- of Banjo--Kazooie, Banjo--Tooie, and Donkey Kong 64.

This playlist contains a LOT of videos, but I intentionally left out all the ones from the Ren and Stimpy OST, the SpongeBob OST, the Nuts and Bolts OST, the troll songs (Rickroll, Won't Get Fooled Again, How Could This Happen To Me, All-Star, Chocolate Rain), Sad Violin, the TF2 OST (well duh), the hit singles, Keygen, the Rabbids Go Home OST, various classical songs by European composers who died long ago, John Williams's works, Robotnik's theme from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and the original compositions made by Raxxo.

Wanna know how I decide which ones go in the playlist? I just watch a GMod/SFM video, look at the tracklist (if there is any), and add whatever songs I can track down (which is either 99% or 100% of them, I can guarantee you that). Usually I go for the extended versions by BrawlBRSTMs3 X, but if I can't find one (the guys have been known not to upload the whole darn soundtrack), I settle for GilvaSunner's version. The Banjo--Kazooie/Tooie ones I already know have been used in plenty of GMod videos, most notably the following tracks:

  • Final Battle
  • Treasure Trove Cove
  • Spiral Mountain
  • Freezeezy Peak
  • Click Clock Wood in the springtime
  • The main part of Grunty's Lair
  • Clanker's Cavern
  • Mad Monster Mansion
  • Rusty Bucket Bay
  • Gobi's Valley
  • Mumbo's Mountain
  • Jolly Roger's Lagoon
  • Witchyworld*
  • Mr. Patch: Strange Wobbly Inflatable Thing*
I also heard many tracks coming from Sonic the Hedgehog (most notably when the tracks from his games weren't heralding his presence), Kirby, Super Mario, Pokemon (not counting a certain thing on TV), and I even heard a track from little-known classic The Legendary Starfy!

- - - Post Merge - - -

*at least, where {insert word that rhymes with zas} Pancakes is concerned...
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