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Kind of has a psychedelic feel to it (past the intro)?

English Indie Rock

English Indie Rock


Kind of has a psychedelic feel to it (past the intro)?

English Indie Rock

English Indie Rock

Hell yes. Plastic Beach is definitely one of my favorite albums ever. I love Artic Monkeys and the Vaccines as well!
Hell yes. Plastic Beach is definitely one of my favorite albums ever. I love Artic Monkeys and the Vaccines as well!
Omg Plastic Beach is so genius, in my opinion. I feel like people only see and base Gorillaz on their popular songs (like "feel good"). They definitely need more attention and recognition than they're getting.

Album Title: Infinity Overhead
Genre: Indie Rock
Song List:

1. Steel and Blood
2. Lies and Eyes
3. Diamond Lightning
4. Toska
5. Listing
6. Heaven Is a Ghost Town
7. Empty Party Rooms
8. Zeros
9. Lonely Gun
10. Cold Company

Some of their other songs that are my favourites:

1. My Time
2. Dayglow Vista Rd
3. Pachuca Sunrise
4. Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse
I went to a They Might Be Giants concert recently (an amazing band, check them out) and the opening act was outstanding. They're a band called Moon Hooch, and they consist of two saxophones and a drummer. They play what they call "cave music" and it's absolutely ridiculous. They're actually banned from playing in New York City (where they got their start. Another musician I love, Mike Doughty, asked them to tour with him as soon as he heard them playing) because they started too many dance parties. "Number 9" is my favorite song so far.

I'm a HUGE Swellers fan and can never seem to find ANYONE else that knows them. They are really worth a listen for good rock/alternative music.

View attachment 9845
(Ups and Downsizing)
Listen to: -2009
-Fire Away
-Ups and Downsizing

View attachment 9846
(Good For Me)
Listen to: -Warming Up
-The Damage

View attachment 9847
(Running Out of Places To Go EP)
Listen to: -Hands
-Running Out of Places To Go
-Making Waves
There's a really good documentary on Soul Train-- there are loads of good music from the earlier episodes of Soul Train. This is not to say that I didn't like some of the songs around the late 70s to early 90s, but the earlier ones started out a lot more fresh!

At the moment I'm pretty addicted to Crystal Castles' newest album, III. Their music kinda reminds me of the maze room from the famous Aika Village in AC:NL.

My playlist is ridiculously varied. It is made up of Jim Croce to Afrika Bambatta
Some advertising for Placebo, the best band EVER! ;)

If you like those few selected songs, you might want to check their new Album "Loud Like Love" being released on September 13th. I hope and pray that I can snag a ticket for their concert in Hamburg this Winter...

I also like these guys very much. The Temper Trap:

AND... Something old but still good. The Smashing Pumpkins:
