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Muse is one of my top favorite bands. Also I love the clip for this one.

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Blood Stain Child - Epsilon

For a good amount of time, I struggled in finding a metal/hardcore band that could effectively integrate electronic, high-voltage sounds into their music. Then I found the majesty that is Blood Stain Child. In what they call "Japanese hybrid metal trance", the band has made some stellar songs, but do not receive as much attention as I feel they deserve.

Recently, Sophia, the lead female vocalist, left but she has been substituted by Kiki, who shows immense promise in her ability to sing and scream effectively. New album coming soon! :D

Blood Stain Child is pretty dang good, but I haven't really given them a proper listen. From what I've heard of it though, Mozaiq's a pretty awesome album c:

Some Japanese math rock if anyone's into that sort of thing -

the colourist is one of my favorite bands and i've luckily gotten to see them in concert as well as meet them afterwards. (they are all big cutie pies holy **** i almost died). if you like bands like metric and of monsters & men you will probably like them.
I recently became Little Mix fan, somehow. My friend is a real fan of them, and she showed me some of their music and I actually like all of their songs. I love how their voices harmonize really well.

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