Expand your Music tastes

Though I don't listen to too much metal anymore, every once in awhile I like to go back, and then I thought I'd open people's minds up to the "classic" era of metal(not all this "-core" stuff[no offense to anyone who likes it, I liked a bit of it myself but too many people look over the classics from the thrash/trad./death/black/doom/power metal genres]
....sci-fi, power metal epicness!!! Bombastic, cheesy as hell, and I love it!! :D
Can we just wait a minute while I fangirl over this
<3 The english lyrics are amazing too *-*
....punk metal at it's finest!

love the lyrics, usually not a fan of political stuff but theirs is so straightforward in what they say about the political BS in our country!!!!:

Come and join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
Your blood is running through your hands

Still you expect pity
And you shall recieve none
Why did death come hard for you
You gave it to some
You joined the War Party
Your purpose was clear
You did your job with skill, you raped and you killed
Why so surprised that you finally got billed?
aww old synthesizers.... :3

Can we just wait a minute while I fangirl over this
<3 The english lyrics are amazing too *-*

A friend showed me this the other night. I rolled on the floor laughing for about 10 minutes and questioned myself afterwards...


Stateless is one of the best bands I've ever found by accident (all the best music I've found were by accidental Youtube's Suggestions box jumping). Here's only couple of their songs I love a lot, be sure to check out more of their songs!

Stateless - Ariel
Stateless - Miles to go
Stateless - Bloodstream

I feel like a 70s adult when listening to that.

You've all shown me some really great stuff, definitely gonna check out some of them, esp. Yellow Magic Orchestra, a bit different from everything else I've heard and I like that! As for that Evangelion cover....lol awesome! XD

Edit: Now, something from me:
more crossover thrash/punk metal!! :D
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Listen to Sleeping With Sirens they changed the way i view life so much xox
...amazing techno/newgrass/jam!! <3