Expectations/Predictions for new Animal Crossing?

I hope they add a sprinkler public work project. It could water all of the flowers within three-five spaces.:)
I want to leave town thats one thing I liked about CF.
For basements to count in HHA again.
To see Isabelle's house.
For the balloons to have different exclusive sets that isnt the balloon set.
I hope the next AC game is for the New 3DS, but a part of me is only saying that because I don't have a WII U. Anyways a few things I want to see in the next game are

*Smarter villager A.I., The villagers are kind of basic in the actions that they can perform, like for example when they have a net out I never actually see them trying to catch bugs or a shovel out I never actually see them dig for anything, they just walk around with it out and eventually put it away. I do see them fish though so that's nice.

*Easier path laying, I don't have paths in my town and that's simply because it takes way too long to go into the designs section of the inventory and click on the path you want to lay down. They should make it so you can "map" your paths to one of the face buttons and then in 1 click it lays it down. That would be so much better.

*Take out grass deterioration, I really hate how the grass dies if you run on it too much. It makes the town look like crap but I don't want to have to walk everywhere I go and I don't want to lay down paths because (see above reason). This just feels like a game mechanic that could be taken out and no one would miss it.
On my Wii U and please bring back Olive from the GameCube version.


As far as graphics go, I want a total redesign. Keep the aesthetic of the Animal Crossing series but use the close third person perspective and the cell-shaded graphics of The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker. I was walking around on Outset Island in the Wind Waker HD and kept on telling myself : this is how the next Animal Crossing game should look and play like. The bright visuals, the far draw distance, the lively and warm ambiance, the "homey" feeling. Please, PLEASE, do away with the rolling visual dynamic that has been applied since the Nintendo DS days because that console was not powerful enough to draw everything on screen at the same time.
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Different skin tones. This was mentioned somewhere else on the forum, but the basic idea is that skin tone can be chosen at the start of the game without having a "what is your skin tone" question. This would allow players with darker skin to create a character that feels more like themselves. For example, the player (in the first person sorta view at the start of every new save) stumbles and scrapes their knee while getting on whatever vehicle is used to transport you to town. Rover comes to your aid and offers several skin-colored bandages to patch it up. Whichever one the player chooses will become their skin tone for their character.

A tanning booth type area in Harriet's store was mentioned also, which could be used to alter skin tones after the initial setup. While not a bad idea per se, giving the player the choice would create a larger diversity of avatars to play as from the get go.
-15+ Villager limit
-Please for the love of god bring back Emerald.
-Bigger towns without that annoying acre system.
-Sports Fair
-Different skin tones
-Better Villager conversations.
-Different stuff I'm too lazy to list down.
I expect them to add more species Like Bats and Ferrets. I'm personally crossing my fingers for Fox villagers, oh please nintendo let it happen! and please make them look nothing like crazy redd :/
I expect them to add more species Like Bats and Ferrets. I'm personally crossing my fingers for Fox villagers, oh please nintendo let it happen! and please make them look nothing like crazy redd :/

foxes wouldn't happen i dont think, since we have redd
there are no villagers that are the same species as special characters - no giraffes, hedgehogs, raccoons/tanuki, axolotl, owls, sloths, etc...
This may be silly, but I'd love to see villagers actually catch fish instead of just having their pole in the water, catch bugs instead of just holding the net, actually dig while holding the shovel. Also, I'd love them to interact with each other more! Maybe, if we're still mayor, we can choose where villagers place their houses as well? Oooh, and maybe our villager can work at any of the stores! Also more PWPs and a bigger town? And if we visit a friend's town, it would be so cute if we could bring one or two of our own villagers to visit them as well! My list can go on forever, but I'd love, love, love to see all of those!
I have my fingers crossed for it not being on the Wii U! I don't want to have to buy a console I don't really want just for Animal Crossing... At least for the 3DS, there's other games I'd like to play, so I'd consider getting the new one if it's on there. But not just on the Wii U.

Surly they can make it so it's compatible on both? Without much effort.
Some features I want:

  • Donation by animals, not just humans, so we don't have to say that humans are the master race.
  • Improved animal AI (say, they actually shake fruit trees and pick the fruit up).
  • Return of the various animals we missed (like Huggy and Flash).
  • Ability to change maps without having to destroy your file.
  • Changing Lily's catchphrase back to "toady".
  • Once an animal is friends enough with you, having them ask to be your assistant mayor (only possible if you're the mayor).
  • Locking animals you have fondness with in your town.
  • Having Kapp'n no longer speak like the overly stereotypical pirate (as with the OVA).
  • Having the option to disable the ability to compete in the Fishing Tourney after you complete your first one (same with the Bug-Off).
  • Changing Ribbot's chatchphrase back to "zzzzrrrbbitt".
  • Giving other player characters the option to be the mayor.
  • Making dirt/cobblestone/brick/paved/street paths an actual feature, and not some design feature at the Able Sisters.
  • Having the ability to customize your legwear and more.
  • Improved town-tune customization quality (say, changing the pitch, adding a drum-beat to it, and up to 32 notes).
  • The grand return of Booker and Copper being in the same town.
  • Pokemon and Kirby items being viable fortune cookie items.
  • Improved selection of items in Brewster's Cafe.

That should cover it.
i agree thoraofasgard i really hope it's on 3ds too.
We alREADY have Animal Crossing for 3DS!

then on the NEW3ds :p

I'd personally like to bring back to robots (Sprocket, and/or Mow and Bow- you count them as robots.)
improved AI
Skin Tone option
To improve on the personalities they have instead of add more
more inventory space
ability to have more villagers (not to place the houses, that's a rather dumb idea, imho.)
Be able to have more pattern space

I don't know, I'm not very picky c:
yeah Saint_Jimmy on the new 3ds i'm willing to get on of those if ac is option.do you know if new3ds is already available or is still going to be awhile yet?
Nobody likes the Wii U here, and I'm sad. :C

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  • Pokemon and Kirby items being viable fortune cookie items.
Yeah, why aren't they're items for Kirby and Pokemon in Animal Crossing?
They added stuff from Metroid, Star Fox, and F-Zero. I don't see why not Kirby and Pokemon.