Nintendo GameCube fan
I actually forgot that I could do this! I do have both of the Nintendo screwdrivers required to do this with as I do like to repair my own consoles. I might just have to do it this way!Instead of modding your console, you can just take the back of a cartridge from your region and put it on the doubustu no mori cart.
I got mine off eBay, but you can also find them on Amazon and playasia if you'd prefer a different website.
I'd recommend getting the physical copy just for the nostalgia
If I was to buy a physical cartridge, I would have to discontinue to blog as the emulator allows me to capture high quality images. Not only do I use the images for this blog, but I also contribute some images of high note to Nookipedia as they are always looking for new Animal Forest N64 images as most are quite dated and very grainy.
The main reason I haven't posted anything new for the last while is that I have had issues with my emulator as it refuses to run off my flash drive where I keep my other emulators. The controller issue will probably not be a problem anymore as I have a Wired Xbox 360 controller that works for everything else on PC.
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