Junior Member

[ n a m e ] Fang | Wolfgang | Bruce
[ s p e c i e s ] Wolf | Wolf | Deer
[ t y p e ] Cranky
[ s t a t u s ]
Fang was from another town and very modified | Wolfgang was from another town and very modified | Bruce is completely in tact except for his shirt!
[ s t a r t i n g ]
300,000 Bells
[ v i l l a g e r s ]
Fauna | Bam | Whitney | Chrissy
[ I N F O ]
Note that I am only trading one of them away at the end! Whoever gets the highest bid and/or offered one of my sought after villagers will be the one to be moved out. I'm doing this because I can't decide which one of my babies should leave to make room for other dreamies; I hope you all understand. Bidding through PM is fine! ; v ;
[ H B ]
BRUCE :: 800k by JaeJae!
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