Farmer Villager?


Easy-Breezy Chill Soul
May 17, 2020
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Anyone know of a villager who'd fit a rustic, farmer aesthetic? I like Curlos and all, but he's the only villager that I'm vaguely considering letting go, and I'd like to replace him with someone more fitting the little farmland area his house is in. Any ideas?

Design wise boots might not look the part, but the inside of his house sure does
(Though admittedly if you buy the DLC you can do this to any villagers home)
I imagine most animals can look the part as long as you gift them some farmer style clothes.
I actually have a farm with a farmer villager! First, I used Ava as my farmer. She was honestly just too cute in the role and was totally perfect- even her home exterior made the cutest little farmhouse:
Of course, when it was time for her to move on, I found a new farmer to replace her. I also expanded the farm to prepare for the new update:
So far, I've only done female farmers because they both fit the theme quite well.
I would think (If you're just investing in tomatoes on it) Ketchup would work as a great farmer villager, as she uses tomatoes to make pizza after all. I did it in my island and looks great!
That is true. I did give Curlos some farmer stuff.
Haha. In theory the sheep seem like good thematic candidates for farmers, but sadly so much of the clothes don't look good stretched over their wide fluffy bodies. I have Dom and decided to take him to Harv's just now to see how he'd look as a farmer (he does have a nice house for that purpose too), but the results weren't great.
I've got a small list of potential villagers; Ava (I do like that idea), Goldie, Agnes (maybe), and Lopez.
A point in favor of Agnes or any other sisterly animal is they do sometimes talk about liking to garden and having green thumbs.
I think any traditional farm animal would fit the theme well as long as they're not weirdly colored. So there's a lot of villagers to pick from... (Chickens, cows, pigs, horses, sheep, goats etc.)
I think any traditional farm animal would fit the theme well as long as they're not weirdly colored. So there's a lot of villagers to pick from... (Chickens, cows, pigs, horses, etc.)

I agree, specially since with the update we will be able to soon redecorate their interior and exterior homes, so it makes it easier to achieve that farm aesthetic and vibe
My farmer villager is Aurora. Awhile back, I built a farm around her house, and she has been tending to it ever since.
biskit kind of has farm villager vibes, mostly because he's orange -- much like pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes etc. -- but that might just be me. his log cabin-esque exterior also works. personally when i hear "farm villagers", i automatically think of the ones that are more common animals (i.e. not lions, hippos, tigers etc.) and have a primarily warm color palette, so brown, beige, orange, dull reds, certain yellows. idk if that helps, but.
Definitely Goldie, or one of the dogs I don't think a farm is complete without a dog. Specifically Goldie because I feel like her color scheme fits with a farm. Probably just me but I like the idea of nerdy book girl also living on a farm too!
Animals that have a more natural look (so, anything different than, say, the heroes, Raymond, the robots, and others that don't look like "plain animals with shirts") would do the trick. At least that's what I've been doing since day one and I have nothing to complain about.
I'm thinking Agnes. She's got a nice natural look to her, her sisterly personality goes well due to them liking plants, and her style is cute and slightly rustic and could be easily changed when the update drops. I do like the idea of Goldie, but I already have a dog and I don't like getting too many of the same type of villager - I already have lots of rabbits, I don't want too many dogs, plus whoa how many normals do I have right now?

Thanks for all the suggestions!
I think Shep would be a good edition, a perfect sheep dog ^_^ and I think he would look cute with farmers outfit too. But farm animals would definitely fit the farmer village look too (Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Cow/Bulls, Cats, even maybe a bunny or two) lol
Plenty of good suggestions here, Benjamin is another dog villager I would add to the list.