Selling ❁-=-=-=-FarmerLava's Garden Shop-=-=-=-❁

  1. Bells
  2. TBT Bells
Hi! Can I get 10 orange lilies for 10 tbt? :)
Hey all, it's been awhile since I've been on the bell tree forums. What basically happened was I got VERY burnt out of ac:nh. I will probably be active today at the very least though.

I've revamped the shop today, cut all the IGB prices in half permanently. I feel as though I may have been asking alot more when the game first came out and people were just getting started. But the game has been out for an entire year now, so people have gotten alot of the stuff that's on my shop, thus I reduced the prices.

Please DO NOT send TBT until I give the dodo code, as I'm not sure how active I'll be nowadays.

Thank you,
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