Favorite accounts for inspo?


Sasha of New Poku
Jul 5, 2013
Do you guys have any accounts on YouTube, IG, etc. that you'd recommend following for inspiration, or even favorite dream addresses? Especially for outdoor areas. I only really know Miss ACNH, and while I love her content, I need more than just interiors. Feel free to self-promote, too.
Honestly I just browse Twitter or the Animal Crossing related subreddits. I'm in a few discords that have screenshots or design specific channels where you can request pictures for inspiration.

You can also look at pictures of real interior designs and try to imitate it in game with the items we have.

There is also the island journal subforums. Some of them have screenshots of house interiors.
Hi @Burumun !
The ones I checked the most are videos on youtube from either of these two youtubers that basically do lots of island tours: Chase Crossing and MushroomGames.
But I'd say the one that is the most inspirational for me is one I discovered later on : 귀월 동숲일기 Gwiwol ACNH. This person also does island tours (mainly through dream addresses I think) but the way the person film the islands they visit is lovely, paying close attention to the creators' island. Their account can also be found on youtube.
some of these youtubers do island tours, some of them do speed builds or whatever themselves. most of them are cottagecore or otherwise similarly inspired, but even if that's not your thing you can learn how to design some things from them anyway

tania - heath horizons, tinylibrarys, consolecaito, lex play, froggycrossing, liss the lass, toffee, chase crossing.

consolecaito is probably my favorite as far as her design aesthetic goes, but i really like all of these channels. i only just started using instagram and i find it really intimidating, but browsing through the related tags pulls a TON of accounts up and it's fairly intuitive
I don’t browse youtube, but I have visited some dream addresses on this site; I also follow @Jinglefruit ’s tumblr and started following one he reblogged relatively recently. I don’t go on tumblr much anymore though.

The dream address that inspired me the most can be found here. This is still my favorite island even though he hasn’t played or updated it. I hope he will some day since he is such an exceptional designer; I envy his creativity and skills. 😭

I don’t know if @Pyoopi has one, but if you check out her island journal or check some posts she made in the screenshot and post your room threads, you may find inspiration from them since I have. She is super creative and funny too 😊.

Another dream addresses I recommend to search for is @oak @WaileaNoRei & @dizzy bone

Idk if @NefariousKing has a dream address, but I recommend checking out some his screenshots he posts. He is extremely creative and quite witty too 🙂.

@skarmoury ’s designs are also jaw-dropping for me. 😊

I hang out a lot in the screenshot thread😋; I just love seeing everyone’s creations as well as fun screenshots they take with their villagers :)
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