Favorite and least favorite villager of each species?

Fave: Boots - had him in NH for a good long while and I still kinda miss him.
Least: Gayle is a little over the top, design-wise.

Antonio is my favorite villager of all time, but I love every anteater and I will not apologize. I want Anabelle in my town someday. A pangolin! What a great idea!
Least: Probably Annalisa--I still like her, but the villagers with more human features aren't my favorite design choice.

Nate--I never really liked the bear models but he was a random move-in and really grew on me.
Least: Chow

Robin--the hair curl adds much-needed depth to the visual design.
Least: Lucha

Fave: Stu. He's in my town now and I'm really liking him.
Least: Vic

Lolly--one of my permanent villagers in NL. The most popular villagers aren't usually my favorites, but Lolly's design is truly impeccable.
Least: Monique--an archnemesis from Wild World. The human features always get me!

Benedict was one of my first three randoms in NH and I got too attached to ever let him leave.
Least: Knox

Tipper! Another permanent resident from Wild World days.
Least: There are only four and I don't honestly dislike any of them. I guess Naomi?

Bluebear. Small, cute, fun color, still looks like a bear.
Least: Barold's human features are probably the worst design, but Judy and Vladimir sure give him a run for his money.

Least: Chelsea--the Sanrio villagers don't work for me.

Benjamin! I love every dog, but he was one of my best friends in New Leaf. Lived in my town almost from day one and never moved.
Least: I suppose Marcel. The mime makeup.

Molly. I've never been a big fan of the duck model and I was cursed with endless ducks back in Wild World.
Least: Gloria

Least: To be honest, the Eagle model is my least favorite in the game. I don't know how to pick a least favorite. Buzz is kind of boring...?

Ellie for sure. This is a model I want to love (elephants!) and I'm typically a big fan of the larger villagers, but the nose and ears are too stiff and disproportionate for me, sadly.
Least: Margie

Huck was my forced camper and I was prepared to be bummed, but actually I love him and he can never leave.
Least: Gigi . . . why . . . with the lips . . .

Pashmina is the best Sisterly of all time.
Least: Gruff

Peewee is another favorite from Wild World, but I love all of them. Yes, I love gorillas. I said it.
Least: Except for Rilla. The Sanrio squad just looks too out of place to me.

Least: Rodney. Too human.

Bubbles! She's on my island and I adore her. But this is another species I'm a big fan of.
Least: Hippeux. The hair is too flat.

Roscoe is an old friend. A very good model overall, though.
Least: Colton looks like he wants to ask for my number, which I don't love. I have no beef with Victoria but it stresses me out that she's trapped in that mask and can never take it off.

WALT. One of my New Leaf originals and a dear friend. He never left my town.
Least: I like them all fine. Rooney, maybe?

Yuka? Maybe? Ugh I love so many koalas.
Least: Canberra. She wouldn't move away back in New Leaf and it wore on me a little.

Lionel! I maintain that his old-man demeanor suited the Smug personality really well, at least in New Leaf. The other Smugs seemed like they were trying to hard, but he felt like a stodgy old man.
Least: Mott

Shari. One day she will live in my town!
Least: Elise. Those human features again.

Dora was the epitome of Wild World to me. I don't know why the mice are so reviled. I will always love her (and a handful of other mice, too).
Least: Moose doesn't really look like an AC villager to me.

Least: Zucker. He looks like he's in pain!

Least: Sprocket. He looks like only his head is robotic and that is unsettling.

Wade! I'd love to have him in a town again.
Least: I always forget about Iggly because he looks out of place to me.

Least: Chops. Human features.

Azalea is in my town right now and I love her. Would be thrilled to have Hornsby someday, too.
Rhonda. Human features strike again.

Least: Tiffany and Toby. You know why.

Vesta is a top-three-of-all-time villager for me.
Least: There isn't a sheep I dislike, but Frita does make me feel a bit weird since she appears to be made of fries.

Least: Cece and Viche from the New Leaf update don't look at all like they belong in an Animal Crossing game.

Bangle was a great villager. I'd love to try Tybalt.
Least: Claudia, I guess? I like them all.

Vivian. She reminds me of my beloved childhood collie dog.
Least: Freya's eyes don't look real to me.

This was fun!
Anteater: Olaf for the win, he reminds me of an Opera singer. Least favorite is Zoe, she looks like she's in a body suit to me, although it is subtle.

Alligator: Drago is far and away my favorite, he comes across as a frilled lizards and I love both lizards and dragons so much. I guess Alfonso would be my least favorite - not because he's bad but because all of the other Alligators have something that appeals to me.

Bear: The favorite is Klaus because of his Roman house and clothes themes, and I also just love his hair and coloring. I took 4 years of Latin, so I appreciate those things. My least favorite bear is definitely Chow. It really bothers me that he's pink instead of white for some reason.

Bird, General: Robin is just so colorful, and I love Robins in real life. Ace is my least favorite bird.

Bulls/Cows - favorite is Rodeo, the evil looking but super sweet Lazy villager. For least favorite, I really cannot stand Naomi because her makeup choices are insane. She's one of my least favorite villagers in the entire game.

Cat - Ankha the Egyptian Cat Queen for favorite, although there are so many fantastic cats. Tabby for least favorite, man is she ugly. Somehow manages to be even more so animated in-game.

Chicken: Becky for favorite, Ava for least favorite. Not very passionate either way on these, though. Chickens have a solid overall design.

Cub: Judy is my favorite, I love her colors and starry eyes. Stitches is really up there too because he's a stuffed animal. Barold is my least favorite, he just seems a bit dirty and gross.

Deer - one of my favorite species, so hard to choose a favorite, but I think Erik because I like his antlers best. Least favorite would be Chelsea because she looks more like a goat/rabbit/deer hybrid and I don't know what to make of that.

Dog - favorite is Cookie. She looks like she's a good girl, and I love dogs with lots of energy and affection. Least favorite is Biskit, whose eyes are slightly scary.

Duck: Ketchup is my darling. Her eyes are so cute, and I love her tomato design. I like food villagers in general. Quilson is my least favorite, I find him a bit unfortunate looking.

Eagle - I love Frank - his colors and shapes are just awesome. I guess my least favorite might be Pierce - I'm not crazy about his eyes. But I've never tried him, so it may not bother me as much in-game as I think it would.

Elephant - Tia the teapot is definitely my favorite Elephant. Big Top's my least favorite, I'm just not a big fan of helmets.

Frog - a nearly impossible choice for favorite, I love frogs. I suppose...Ribbot, because jock dialouge is funnier if you're a robot. My least favorite is Huck, despite him being based on African Dwarf Frogs (I have 4 pet ones) I'm just not liking his coloring and design. I feel he should have darker gray speckles, less obvious cheek circles, and a differently shaped mouth. Perhaps I'm just too picky about ADF design choices.

Goat - not a fan of goats in general, but Chevre is an exception because of her big shining eyes and cute freckles. I found Kidd especially annoying, I think his expression was too hard to read most of the time.

Gorilla - I know this is an odd favorite, but Rilla. As a Peppy she's really trying to make herself cute as possible...and that it isn't working makes it even funnier to me. Rocket's my least favorite, not a fan of helmets.

Hamster - Apple is my beloved! Flurry is really cute except for her mouth, so I feel like she has wasted potential. Nearly all hamsters are cute.

Hippo - I actually like Harry's beard so he's my favorite. He looks more rugged and adult than a lot of other villagers. Least favorite is Bubbles, because of her small eyes and neutral coloring. I really like bright villagers with big eyes, and Bubbles is the opposite of that.

Horses - Savannah is so cool because she's a Zebra. I like villagers that look like they're a special species. Least favorite would be Winnie, but it's not actually her fault - I'm just a little color blind and so the color I see her as is just very odd.

Kangaroo - Marcie is awesome, and I like the female Kangaroo in general because of their kids. Walter's probably my least favorite because he has no kid.

Koala - I'm honestly not a fan of the Koala's enormous noses, so I like Melba because the coloring of her nose breaks it up a bit. Ozzie's nose feels especially shiny at the end so he's my least favorite.

Lion - Bud is so cool with his sunglasses, so he's my favorite. Not crazy about Mott's eyes, glasses, or freckles though so he's the bottom.

Monkey - Nana has grown on me enormously since I've had her on my island. She has great expressions for a Sweetie and I love her bright pink coloring. Elise's makeup is a bit too much, which makes her least favorite.

Mice - love so many mice, but Chadder is a mouse made out of Cheddar cheese, which is just too cool. Candi's high cheeks and tiny eyes bother me.

Ostrich - Julia for the win. Peacocks are so pretty... and I suppose Sandy for least favorite. Not crazy about her colors or eyes.

Penguin - Hopper for favorite. I love his red eyes and his giant eyebrows. Least favorite would be Chabwick - I hate his visible belly button with the wrath of a thousand suns.

Pig - I low key hate pigs, but Rasher is so diabolical looking I find him funny. Pancetti is my least favorite because she reminds me of Ms. Piggy from Sesame Street, whose constant sexual harassment of Kermit is not okay.

Octopus - Cephalabot is so cool. Once I had Zucker in my town for awhile I realized he's actually my least favorite Octopus despite being a food villager, because the stick in his head looks like it should hurt and I found myself always feeling bad for him. I empathized with him too much....

Rabbit - Tiffany is my favorite Rabbit because she looks like she could be Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit's (from Who Framed Roger Rabbit) daughter. She has an unusual aesthetic among villagers. My least favorite is Coco because she creeps me out with her holes for eyes and non-expression.

Rhino - I love Meringue's design. She's a food villager, and the strawberry horn is just so clever. Least favorite is Tank - nothing wrong with him, just pretty neutral.

Sheep - I love Pietro because colors! Cashmere the least because his resting expression is odd.

Squirrel - tie between Ione and Marshal. Ione's star theme is so pretty, and Marshal is just so adorable. Sally's my least favorite because her eyelids go down so far over her eyes she looks bored or sleepy most of the time. A weird pet peeve I didn't even notice until I had her on my island.

Tiger - Rowan is an off-brand Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes, so he's my favorite. I also have a soft spot for every other tiger but Tybalt, so I guess as a neutral he's my least favorite.

Wolf - choosing between Audie the Fox and Skye the sky-themed wolf almost hurts. They get to tie. I guess Wolfgang is my least favorite, but honestly I love every last wolf.
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omg how fun (๑>ᴗ<๑)

alligator: i'm not gonna lie, they're not my personal favourite but i've had drago in the past so he gets a pass heh

anteater: zoe seems the cutest and nicest out of all of them and i'm sorry but olaf looks slimy and sleazy

bear: please i love teddy so much i would bring him back on my island any day while i'll keep klaus away because why does he love the bathroom so much

bird: it's absolutely unfair to only pick one bird because i love sparrow, jitters, and anchovy so so so much and i think my least fav would be lucha...

bull: again i don't really have a preference but t-bone was on my island so he's above the rest

cat: ...how can i even make a decision. i love lolly, punchy, and raymond so much and my least fav would be monique...

chicken: ken got a vacation home from me while i have personal beef with egbert

norma has such a cute colour palette and default home and i guess i don't really have a least favourite?

cub: maple my sweet beloved!!! i think my least favourite would be barold

beau my sweet child 💖 i'm sorry... but chelsea...

dog: my favourite dog has to be isabelle haha well daisy gives me similar vibes to her so 🤗 marcel scares me

duck: ketchup and molly!!! they're so adorable. um quillson would have to be my least fav

eagle: my friend had celia on his island so she's above the rest, another friend had avery and he was quite the meanie

elephant: ellie looks so cute, paolo looks like he would bully me

frog: please cousteau is so cute, his hhp request was so fun. why does diva look at me like that °(ಗдಗ。)°.

goat: PLEASE chevre's hhp request was so unhinged, she immediately became my favourite haha gruff just...isn't it for me

gorilla: i really don't have an opinion on them, but rilla...

hamster: please i love my apple so much, i don't like rodney

i simply... do not like any of them.

horse: winnie looks so precious, and i don't think i have a least favourite

kangaroo: walt is my favourite, and once again i don't have a least fav

koala: melba is baby and canberra just scares me

lion: rex looks so cute and bud just looks .. you know

monkey: tiansheng just reminds me of my childhood a lot so he has a soft spot in my heart, on the other hand i wouldn't hesitate to let elise go

mouse: i have no strong opinions on any of them to be completely honest

octopus: zucker and marina are married on my island so i must have them together, octavian is a sore spot in their lore so 👀

ostrich: i miss my julia so much!!! i don't have a least favourite really

penguin: my friend has roald and talking to him was always so fun, hopper actually terrifies me askjdnfjks

pig: gala looks so cute and unassuming, chops........no comment

rabbit: i love the fact that ruby is a space enthusiast and has pink tipped ears!!!!!! i also love sasha sm tiffany on the other hand.....

rhino: merengue my sweet girl, mmm i don't have a least favourite

sheep: i really love etoile's colour palette but i love willow's mouth! it's so cute 🥺 i actually despise pietro so much because of my coulrophobia ASKEJFBKEJRBG

squirrel: marshal and poppy AAAAAA they're so cute, i just love watching them walk and seeing their tails move, ricky absolutely looks like a cranky

tiger: one of my best friend's name is bianca so i love seeing her around, mmm i think rowan is my least favourite

wolf: vivian looks so chic and cool, and i really don't have a least favourite - i think they're all cool
Fave: Looking at the full list, I think Roswell is probably my favourite. Love his patterns and the colour palette. Really like his eye design as well.
Least fave: Probably Del, his design is so odd looking to me. I know he's based off like battleships or something but he looks like the designers were going for a robot look but gave up halfway lol... sorry to any Del lovers. 😔

Fave: I actually think I like Zoe! She mostly looks like a normal anteater in terms of her patterns/markings, but her colour palette is obviously unnatural. I love the teals and yellows though.
Least fave: Olaf for sure... He really does look slimy. His hair is just too much.

Fave: Grizzly! He's a villager I really like but just never had him in NL or NH. Perhaps the next game though... I know he's kind of just a standard grizzly bear but I love his bushy eyebrows and his eyes look a little tired which I love.
Least fave: Klaus, hands down. He's so ugly I'm sorry... I like to pretend he doesn't exist. ☠️

Fave: This is kind of hard, I don't think I can choose between Midge and Piper so I'm just gonna choose both of them. I had Midge in NL and have such a soft spot for her, while Piper is in my NH game and I also adore her to death. 😫 Not only do I love their designs, but they hold a lot of sentimental value to me. 💕
Least fave: Lucha for sure. Sorry... never been a fan of luchadors in general and the whole aesthetic isn't my thing at all.

Fave: Probably Stu. Not a fan of the bulls but he's got a pretty solid design.
Least fave: Coach. I hate how bright his colour palette is, and it also just doesn't seem to hold any cohesion for me. His design in general is a huge eyesore to me rip.

Fave: I think I would go with Tom! Really love his markings and his colour palette is quite nice. He's another villager I've wanted to bring in, but haven't yet due to others taking priority.
Least fave: Stinky for sure. Hate his colour palette as much as or even more than Coach's, and the name... no thanks. The mask too... I cannot.

Fave: I would have to choose Ken! I love him so much tbh. I had him for a while in NL and have a soft spot for him. 🖤 I'd love to bring him back one day, perhaps in the next game.
Least fave: I don't hate any o the chickens tbh, but I guess Broffina because of the lipstick... it's throwing me off.

Fave: I didn't realize how few cows we had in NH, but I guess Norma would be my fav. Love the pink and her rosy cheeks!
Least fave: Naomi tbh, she's so off-putting to me. Why is she so neon, why are her eyes like that... and the lipstick.. I will stay away.

Fave: I feel like this is a basic answer, but I have to go with Maple. I tend to grviate towards the villagers that usually just look like a classic/normal animal lol oops.
Least fave: Barold... another villager I pretend doesn't exist.

Fave: I love Beau! Another basic answer but I just love how he's basically just an impala. Again, it's the normal looking animals for me lol. 😅 He's also one of my permies in NL.
Least fave: Chelsea, sorry. I really dislike the green hair, both the colour and style is so odd looking to me, and the bunny ears... just not my thing.

Fave: Daisy my beloved! I remember I chose Goldie over her in my NL file, so I brought her into my NH game and I'm so in love with her. I'd have to choose her over Goldie too because I prefer her colours and design. Her eyes are so cute and I adore the blue gradient on her ears and paws. 🥺💙
Least fave: Maybe Cherry? I find her face design very strange and kind of unsettling/odd.

Fave: Molly because she's really just a mallard duck, but her facial features are also very cute.
Least fave: Maybe Quillson... idk that hair is strange and he looks like he could be a brat.

Fave: I love so many of the eagles! I would have said Amelia or Celia before, but I think I need to choose Quinn now. She was one of the villagers that caught my eye from series 5. I brought her onto my island to see if I'd click with her and she did not disappoint. 👀
Least fave: I literally don't hate any if the eagles, but I guess Avery would be my least favourite if I had to pick. Still really like him though so I'll leave it at that.

Fave: I really like Ellie, her design is very cute and simple. Especially love her eye style and the pink accents.
Least fave: I despise Axel. I have beef with him from NL when he decided to plot his house on my perfect peach tree that was still growing. It was my only perfect fruit I had and my 13 year old self was very distraught and bitter. 😩 I don't think I ever let it go and will hate him forever oops. 🤭 Other than my personal feelings, I don't like his design. Those eyes and that smile... unsettling, to say the least. 🤨

Fave: Raddle! That little frog has my heart. 🥺 I've liked him since NL, but I already had most of my dreamies established, and said maybe I'd try him in the next game. He somehow found his way to me on both of my islands very early on and I've been more attached to him than I could imagine. 💛
Least fave: Diva for sure, I also have beef with her. In NL I believe she plopped her house on my path, and she was also close/in front of my house and I hated her so much for it. Personal feelings aside, her design is genuinely so ugly. I hate her hair, as I generally despise hair on villagers and the idea of hair on a frog especially is so unsettling. Speaking of unsettling, her eyes??? Absolutely demonic, and those lips are horrifying. 😰

Fave: It was Chevre for a majority of the years I've been into AC, but I actually did fall hard for Sherb about two years ago. I found him while island hopping and planned to sell him for NMT but he never asked to leave, and by the time he asked to leave over a year later I realized I was attached. 😅 His design is definitely super cute and I love his colours.
Least fave: Gruff. He'd be fine to me but the brown part? idk if that's supposed to be some whack hair or something but he looks so odd, and coupled with the green, he looks so unappealing to me rip.

Fave: I'm not a fan of the gorillas but maybe Hans?? 😖 He got that yeti vibe going on idk...
Least fave: I think it's Rilla... her whole design is just an eyesore to look at. The hair, the lips the nose.... everything. She genuinely makes me uncomfortable ngl.

Fave: Flurry for sure! She's one of my mayors best friends in NL, and her house is actually right next to my mayor's as well. Her design is adorable; I love her blue eyebrows and the pink around her mouth adds so much to her cuteness level. 😭🤍
Least fave: Probably Graham. I think I'd be more okay with him it if weren't for the pig-like nose...

Fave: Maybe Biff? I like his simpler design compared to the others and the angry eyes are cute. Not too big on the hippos in general though ngl.
Least fave: Harry because I can appreciate facial hair but wth happened here... His colours are also not my vibe lol.

Fave: Julian, my actual beloved. 💙 He's my mayor's end game partner in NL and I genuinely love his design so much. The fact that he's a unicorn is everything, but I love the blue and the white pattern on his nose/muzzle, and the purple eyeshadow?? Absolutely fabulous.
Least fave: Maybe Clyde? Not a fan of the colours or his eyes.

Fave: Maybe Walt? I like his simple design and the scar beneath his eye adds character.
Least fave: Definitely Sylvia, another villager who I also had beef with in NL. She also moved onto one of my paths. Her design is also hard to at honestly, the orange-yellow hair with the purple is so bad imo.

Fave: Melba is one of the only koalas I like, so I'd have to pick her. I really love her brownish pink fur and her facial features are very cute.
Least fave: I'd probably choose Alice. Her whole face is really unsettling to me, especially her nose and eyes. 😣

Fave: Elvis is another villager I don't talk about often but I actually really like. I love his bushy eyebrows and the scars in his face. Love the overall cranky expression look he has too haha.
Least fave: Mott because his colours are kind of ugly... His mane colour is fine on its own but coupled with his mane colour... I am questioning this choice.

Fave: Shari! I've always liked her colours and her face is super cute.
Least fave: Elise... her colour palette is kind of all over the place and those lips.... no thanks.

Fave: I wasn't big on the mice, but I really do love Petri! Love those snooty looking eyes behind her glasses and her design is more so on the simple side which I like.
Least fave: Rizzo I think.. He's another design that I just find kind of unsettling and odd... The smile especially, like sir pls back off. 😰

Fave: I'm really not a fan of any of the4 octopi, but I'll choose Marina. Her eyes are cute ig.
Least fave: I'm not a fan of Cephalobot because I dislike any of the robot villagers oops.

Fave: I think I'll go with Blanche! I love a lot of the ostriches, but I have a soft spot for Blanche since I had her for quite a while in NL. Really love her design as well; the white and pink/peach is such a nice combination. 🤍
Least fave: I guess Sprocket for the same reason I stated for the ocotopi; he's a robot.

Fave: Aurora for sure! She was a dreamie of mine back in NL but never got her after I fleshed out my list more. I decided to bring her into NH a year ago to give her a shot and I really clicked with her. I love her simple design, and I especially love her pale pink eyelids and her body fading to a light grey at the lower portion. 😊
Least fave: Not a fan of Iggly, his eyes are so odd to me. He just felt out of place as a villager to me for some reason.

Fave: Probably Agnes, I've always loved her design. her markings are nice and simple and the black and white combo with pink accents looks really nice.
Least fave: I think Pancetti... There is so much going on with her face and that hair is not it. Not to mention that chaotic colour palette.

Fave: I never cared for the Rhinos, but Azalea is definitely an exception. I love her design and her colours. I honestly wouldn't mind trying her out in the next game. 🤔
Least fave: I guess Rhonda? Her colours are fine but her design is kind of boring and the hair.. I'm not a fan. It's always the hair for me lol.

Fave: 100% Dotty! I think she might be in my top three for overall villagers, so she's definitely my favourite rabbit, no question about it. I love her design so much. 🥺 Her markings are cute and I've always adored her eyes, especially with how they occasionally turn red when she's surprised, angry, etc.
Least fave: I think I'll go with Tiffany. It's odd that she has human lips and no nose either, it makes her look too human and it's kind of unsettling lol.

Fave: I really love Étoile! Her design is just everything, I'm a sucker for pastels and starry aesthetics. I wanted to bring her into NL but that didn't work out. I wanted to try with NH too but she once again got overshadowed by other villagers... so maybe in the next game I can give her a shot. 😅
Least fave: I really dislike Pietro. I've always hated clowns and used to be really scared of them as a kid. Even now I definitely find them unsettling.

Fave: I guess I'd choose Poppy? She's really cute, I love her eyes and her markings and colours are very nice.
Least fave: Maybe... Ricky. His colours are a little bright and he doesn't really look like a villager to me.

Fave: This is a little tough. I tried making Tybalt as a permie in NH but it didn't work out. I still like his design a lot, but since I didn't click with him I'm unsure... So maybe Rolf? I've always really liked his design and wouldn't mind trying him out in the next game.
Least fave: Probably Rowan, I don't like his face, he just kind of looks like a jerk oops.

Fave: It's between Wolfgang and Whitney, but I genuinely can't decide so I'll say both. I love Wg's aesthetic so much, especially in NH because it's what I imagined for him back in NL, and his colours are really nice. 💕 On the other hand, I love Whitney's design; the different whites/off-whites she has in her palette are a nice subtle combination, and I love her muted pink nose, along with the pink around her eyes. 🥰
Least fave: Not a fan of Audie. Her sunglasses being apart of her design isn't doing it for me and her palette is just so saturated, it's kind of an eyesore to me.
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Favorite, then least fav...
Alligator : Drago - Alli
Anteater : Cyrano - Snooty
Bear : Ursala - Chow
Bird : Twiggy - Jacques
Bull : Rodeo - Coach
Cat : Kid Cat - Raymond
Chicken : Ava - Benedict
Cow : Norma - Tipper
Cub : Chester - Barold
Deer : Fauna - Fuchsia
Dog : Lucky - Mac
Duck : Molly - Miranda
Eagle : Frank - Amelia
Elephant : Ellie - Opal

To be continued. Too lazy now!
I asked this awhile ago, shortly after NH came out, but my answers have changed wildly since then so I'm really curious to hear who everyone's favorite and least favorite villager of each species?

here is my list!

Alligator: My favorite alligator villager is definitely Drago! I do like Gayle a lot as well. My least favorite alligator would have to be Alli. I don't hate her or anything but she's the least interesting to me.

Anteater: The only anteater villager I really like is Antonio. He's so basic, he's cute.

Bear: The bears are not a favorite species of mine. I guess my favorite would be either Megan or Curt. As for least favorite, this is hard again because I find them all pretty meh but I guess if I had to single one out it would be Tutu.

Bird: My favorite bird is either Jay, Midge, or Piper. This is another one where none of the villagers really stand out to me that much and I'm not sure I have a #1 favorite bird. However, unlike the bears, I absolutely do have a least favorite bird and that would be Jitters. What is that color scheme?

Bull: Once again, not a huge fan. I'd say my favorite would be Stu because I can vibe with him. Least favorite would be Coach. I...don't like villagers with weird facial hair.

Cat: My favorite cat and my favorite villager in the game is my girl Kiki! I really like Felicity, Bob, Tangy, and Merry as well but they're nowhere near Kiki level. I have two least favorite cat villagers. The first is Raymond, because I'm freaking sick of him. The second is Moe because his eyes creep me out.

Chicken: My favorite chicken is either Egbert, because he's cute or Becky, because I like her purple color scheme. The chickens are another meh species for me. My least favorite would definitely be Broffina - for several reasons.

Cow: My favorite cow is Norma though I do quite like Tipper as well. My least favorite is Naomi, her color scheme is so jarring to me.

Cub: Cubs are a hard one for me. I think I like June best, but I love Cheri and Stitches as well. Least favorite would probably have to be either Barold or Chester, because of their facial hair and the fact that mimes are creepy, respectively.

Deer: My favorite deer is by far Diana, one of my favorites in the whole game. I'm not as crazy about the deer as some people, honestly, but I think overall, I like Bam the least of the deer.

Dog: I love golden retrievers, so I have to go with Goldie as my fave dog villager! I find the dogs so underrated, though - I also love Bones, Biskit, Maddie, Butch, and Daisy! Least favorite would have to be Mac - there's nothing wrong with him, he's just kind of boring to me. Marcel is a close second because, again, mimes are creepy.

Duck: My favorite duck is probably either Bill, who was in my Wild World town forever, or Ketchup for being an iconic queen. I also love Molly, Maelle (an underrated queen!) , Pompom, and Weber.

Eagle: My favorite eagle has to be Apollo! He was one of my original six villagers in the GC game and I've always liked him a lot! I'm considering bringing him in as my cranky when I decide to let Dobie move out. Overall, I find the eagles pretty solid, so I guess I'd say my least favorite is Sterling, nothing against him, I just like all the others more.

Elephant: I LOVE elephants! My favorite is probably either Tia or Tucker, though I do enjoy Big Top quite a bit also. Again, I don't feel much negativity toward any of the elephants - I find them pretty solid overall. I guess I'd say Opal is my least favorite because I hate that color of green.

Frog: Ribbot is for sure my favorite frog, and my second favorite villager overall! I do love the frogs, so I'll hand out honorable mentions to Jeremiah, Frobert, Tad, Lily, and Raddle. (BRING BACK SUNNY THOUGH!!!!!!!!). My least favorite is either Jambette (those lips....) or Prince (Again, facial hair...)

Goat: My favorite goat is either Pashmina or Sherb, but I like Nan a lot too! Least favorite would be Gruff because I don't like puke green villagers.

Gorilla: Oh god. They really do the gorillas as a whole dirty. This might be controversial, but I think my favorite gorilla would actually be Violet as I like her color scheme and Violet is one of my favorite names. Least favorite is definitely Al- he looks like John Travolta and it's unsettling.

Hamster: Again, I don't love the hamsters. I think my favorite is probably Hamlet, he's a nice classic villager. Least favorite is a hot take, but I'm gonna say Flurry, because her blue eyebrows have been bugging me since she was introduced in New Leaf. (I also dislike Rodney quite a bit.)

Hippo: Much like the gorillas, the hippos are done dirty. The only two I even kind of like are Bertha and Biff, but Biff I only like in New Horizons after they changed his color to red. Poop brown Biff isn't my thing. Least favorite would be either Hippeux for having the design and personality to remind me of a typical frat boy from my college years, or Harry because he's ... well, hairy.

Horse: My two favorite horses are Annalise (My ACGC islander) and Julian (forced camper in NH) due to personal experiences. (Shoutout to Papi too though, I like him a lot!) Least favorite would be Colton because you can't tell me his design wasn't inspired at least in part by Justin Bieber.

Kangaroo: I like both of the male kangaroos better than all the female kangaroos, so Walt and Rooney. My favorite female kangaroo would be Mathilda, the all black aesthetic works on her! Least favorite would probably be Sylvia who is for sure a total Karen or Astrid because dear god

Koala: My favorite would be Alice. Not sure why, I've just always really loved her! I like Yuka and Ozzie a lot too! Least favorite would be Canberra. I don't even dislike her that much, but she's the dullest one in the bunch in my opinion.

Lion: My favorite would either be Elvis for his king motif or Rex because he's cute. My least favorite is probably Leopold for being the spitting image of Seteth from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Mott is also a contender for least favorite because, again, frat boy vibes.

Monkey: My favorite monkeys are Nana, Deli, and Shari! Nana and Deli are adorable, and I had Shari for a while in New Leaf and loved her! The worst for me is probably Elise for looking like the School Librarian From the Black Lagoon or Monty for just being unsettling.

Mouse: My favorite mouse is Dora! She's kind of basic, but I find her quite cute! The worst is Moose because he gives me Coach Carr from Mean Girls vibes.

Octopus: Octavian is the OG octopus and definitely the best! He's probably in my top ten overall favorite villagers. My least favorite is Zucker, because his whole concept is just too creepy.

Ostrich: The ostriches are probably my favorite species overall! I'd say my favorites are Blanche, Julia, Flora, and Phoebe. They all have fun designs and I love how they look like other kinds of birds (Crane, peacock, flamingo, and phoenix respectively), Least favorite would be Sandy, who is just kind of boring to me compared to the others.

Penguin: My favorite penguin would probably be Wade, who is ADORABLE. Least favorite is Tex.

Pig: My favorite pigs are easily Agnes and Gala. Least favorite villager in the whole game is Truffles - we have beef from an incident in Wild World.

Rabbit: Favorite rabbit is definitely my underrated queen, Pippy! My third favorite villager overall, and I adore her so much. Least favorite is actually probably Francine or Genji, which I know is an unpopular opinion.

Rhino: My favorite rhino is Hornsby but I also love Merengue! Also shoutout to Petunia from Animal Forest e+ who I hope comes back someday! My least favorite would probably be Rhonda - nothing particularly wrong with her but I like all of the others more.

Sheep: My favorite sheep is Stella and she's on my short list of villagers I want on my island at some point! Least favorite is Cashmere the Muppet crossover. (PS bring back Woolio you cowards)

Squirrel: My favorite squirrel is the underrated Sylvana! She is absolutely adorable and I'm so glad they added her back in the game! My least favorite would be either Nibbles or Tasha, by process of elimination. I find the squirrels pretty good as a species, but those two are just the ones that appeal to me the least.

Tiger: Favorite is Bianca, who was on my island for almost a whole year! I may move her back in via amiibo at some point! Least favorite would be Rolf, because he has that red rimmed eye thing I don't like.

Wolf: My favorite wolves are Skye, Kyle, Audie, and Dobie! I like them all pretty equal, I don't think I could pick one. My least favorite is probably a tossup between Chief, Wolfgang, and Lobo - again, they just don't appeal to me, but I don't hate any of them.

Favorite: Roswell
Least favorite: Alli
Favorite: Nosegay
Least favorite: Snooty
Favorite: Beardo
Least favorite: Chow
Favorite: Jacques and Flash
Least favorite: Peck
Favorite: Angus
Least favorite: Coach
Favorite: Puurl and Kabuki
Least favorite: Moe
Favorite: Plucky
Least favorite: Benedict
Favorite: Patty
Least favorite: Naomi
Favorite: Murphy and Pudge
Least favorite: KODY I HATE HIM
Favorite: BRUCE ❤️
Least favorite: Bam and Deirdre
Favorite: Cookie and Daisy
Least favorite: Frett
Favorite: Deena
Least favorite: Mallary
Favorite: Amelia and Pierce
Least favorite: Celia
Favorite: Big Top
Least favorite: Axel
Favorite: Cousteau and Croque
Least favorite: Jambette
Favorite: Gruff and Nan
Least favorite: Iggy
Favorite: Cesar and Louie
Least favorite: Boyd
Favorite: Flurry
Least favorite: Marlo
Favorite: Lulu
Least favorite: Harry
Favorite: Papi and Elmer
Least favorite: Buck
Favorite: Rooney and Carrie
Least favorite: Sylvia
Favorite: Canberra
Least favorite: Eugene
Favorite: Leopold and Aziz
Least favorite: Lionel
Favorite: Deli and Tiansheng and Monty
Least favorite: Simon
Favorite: Dora
Least favorite: Anicotti and Limberg and Moose
Favorite: Zucker and Inkwell
Least favorite: Octavian
Favorite: Cranston
Least favorite: Sandy
Favorite: Wade
Least favorite: Tex
Favorite: Pigleg
Least favorite: Chops
Favorite: O’Hare and Carmen and Snake
Least favorite: Bonbon
Favorite: Hornsby
Least favorite: Tank
Favorite: Cashmere
Least favorite: Woolio
Favorite: Sylvana
Least favorite: Ricky
Favorite: Bengal
Least favorite: Rowan
Favorite: Cheif
Least favorite: Lobo
Oh boy, here we go. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

favorite — alfonso.
least favorite — gayle.

favorite — annabelle.
least favorite — snooty.

favorite — klaus.
least favorite — beardo.

favorite — twiggy.
least favorite — jitters.

favorite — stu.
least favorite — coach.

favorite — olivia.
least favorite — kid cat.

favorite — plucky.
least favorite — benedict.

favorite — tipper.
least favorite — naomi.

favorite — maple.
least favorite — barold.

favorite — erik.
least favorite — lopez.

favorite — cherry.
least favorite — benjamin.

favorite — quillson.
least favorite — pompom.

favorite — all of them, except ↓
least favorite — celia.

favorite — opal.
least favorite — big top.

favorite — wart jr.
least favorite — diva.

favorite — chèvre.
least favorite — velma.

favorite — boyd.
least favorite — rocket.

favorite — graham.
least favorite — rodney.

favorite — biff.
least favorite — bubbles.

favorite — savannah.
least favorite — clyde.

favorite — carrie.
least favorite — sylvia.

favorite — yuka.
least favorite — ozzie.

favorite — rory.
least favorite — lionel.

favorite — shari.
least favorite — tammi.

favorite — dora.
least favorite — broccolo.

favorite — cephalobot.
least favorite — octavian.

favorite — phoebe.
least favorite — flora.

favorite — roald.
least favorite — flo.

favorite — kevin.
least favorite — truffles.

favorite — azalea.
least favorite — rhonda.

favorite — genji.
least favorite — mira.

favorite— vesta.
least favorite —pietro.

favorite— static.
least favorite —ricky.

favorite — rolf.
least favorite — claudia.

favorite — dobie.
least favorite — skye.
Anteater: Annalisa (fave)
Snooty (least fave)

Bird: Midge (fave)
Jitters (least fave)

Koala: Melba (fave)
Lyman (least fave)

Gorilla: Al (fave)
Rilla (least fave)

Rhino: Rhonda (fave)
Renee (least fave)

Bull: Stu (fave)
Coach (least fave)

Horse: Reneigh (fave)
Buck (least fave)

Lion: Lionel (fave)
Leopold (least fave)

Bear: Klaus (fave)
Nate (least fave)

Kangaroo: Carrie (fave)
Rooney (least fave)

Cow: Norma (fave)
Naomi (least fave)

Squirrel: Poppy (fave)
Ricky (least fave)

Mouse: Penelope (fave)
Moose (least fave)

Eagle: Celia (fave)
Keaton (least fave)

Deer: Fauna (fave)
Bruce (least fave)

Frog: Drift (fave)
Jambette (least fave)

Alligator: Drago (fave)
Alli (least fave)

Ostrich: Flora (fave, though technically a flamingo)
Queenie (least fave)

Hamster: Apple (fave)
Rodney (least fave)

Duck: Molly (fave)
Deena (least fave)

Sheep: Pietro (fave)
Cashmere (least fave)

Octopus: Marina (fave)
Octavian (least fave)

Penguin: Sprinkle (fave)
Boomer (least fave)

Pig: Gala (fave)
Spork (least fave)

Monkey: Shari (fave)
Elise (least fave)

Elephant: Tia (fave)
Eloise (least fave)

Hippo: Bubbles (fave)
Hippeux (least fave)

Chicken: Ken (fave)
Egbert (least fave)

Rabbit: Tiffany (fave)
Snake (least fave)

Wolf: Chief (fave)
Vivian (least fave)

Dog: Goldie (fave)
Lucky (least fave)

Cat: Merry (fave)
Stinky (least fave)
Last edited:
I don't dislike any villagers, so I'll just be doing favourites!

Alligator: Gayle 🩷
All of them! Tutu? It's very hard to decide!
Piper? Anchovy?
Ava. Egbert looks pretty cute, too.
Patty 🧡
Erik, Fuchsia
Margie, though I love Opal's colours!
Cousteau, Jambette
Hamphrey? Graham?
Horse: Victoria, Savannah
Kitt, Mathilda, Walt
Alice or Sydney?
Leopold, Elvis
Gladys, Flora
Agnes 🩷
Chrissy, Coco
Merengue 🩷
Hazel, Ione, Poppy
I love the Squirrels and Penguins the best. It’s the Chickens and a majority of Gorillas that I hate. Especially Goose. I absolutely loathe him.
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i have work in the morning so doing this at this hour (half past midnight) was not my best idea but here it is!!!

favorite: gayle <3 i miss her every day
least favorite: del? i don't love the color scheme

favorite: antonio i guess?
least favorite: i'm so sorry but i hate these ones i think they're ugly😭

favorite: pinky, teddy, tutu
least favorite: klaus

favorite: anchovy & ace
least favorite: twiggy

favorite: coach, stu, and t-bone
least favorite: vic

favorite: tangy & lolly
least favorite: stinky

favorite: ava & becky
least favorite: goose

favorite: patty, norma, tipper
least favorite: naomi

favorite: maple
least favorite: barold.

favorite: fauna & diana
least favorite: deirdre

favorite: cookie, bones, goldie
least favorite: portia

favorite: molly
least favorite: drake & quillson i'm sorry but WHY do they look like that...

favorite: celia
least favorite: keaton

favorite: ellie, tia, and dizzy
least favorite: tucker but she's still cute just not my fav

favorite: drift
least favorite: gigi

favorite: chevre & sherb (maybe billy aswell, he seems like a sweet old man)
least favorite: gruff & pashmina

favorite: cesar? i honestly hated him on my island but he's the cutest one LOL they did gorillas SO dirty😭
least favorite: rilla

favorite: flurry
least favorite: rodney you poor thing

favorite: bertha
least favorite: henry & hippeux

favorite: papi
least favorite: clyde & colton

favorite: marcie
least favorite: walt

favorite: melba
least favorite: canberra oh gosh those eyes...

favorite: rory
least favorite: lionel

favorite: shari i miss her so much i actually really really regret getting rid of her </3
least favorite: tammi

favorite: i guess chadder? the mice are done very dirty imo
least favorite: rizzo

favorite: marina
least favorite: lowkey all of them i honestly cannot tell if i like these or not

favorite: flora & julia
least favorite: phil

favorite: roald
least favorite: flo

favorite: maggie & agnes
least favorite: chops

favorite: coco
least favorite: tiffany

favorite: hornsby
least favorite: renee

favorite: stella
least favorite: muffy. i also think i just hate the color-ways for all the sheep

favorite: poppy & peanut
least favorite: nibbles and tasha, they look like ankle biters

favorite: bangle
least favorite: tyalt

favorite: fang, skye, vivian, and dobie
least favorite: lobo & wolfgang
Wow ok I’m kinda picky about the species of villagers that I actually like but here goes.

Fav: it’s between Drago and Roswell
Least Fav: Gayle and Alli they don’t appeal to me.

Fav: Olaf cause he looks like MJ
Least Fav: I don’t care for any of the other soo the rest.

Fav: I don’t have one.
Least Fav: I prefer the cubs I don’t like any of the bigger Bears.

Fav: Ace, Jacob, and Robin are my favs.
Least Fav: probably Admiral and Jacques.

Fav: I don’t like bulls.
Least Fav: Coach


Fav: I like a lot of cats but my top 3 are Lolly, Rosie, and Bob
Least Fav: Katt and Tabby


Fav: I don’t usually have any but I like Goose and Ken design wise
Least Fav: Knox


Fav: another species I don’t like to have but Norma is ok
Least Fav: the rest I guess

Fav: top 3 are June, Maple, and Olive
Least Fav: Barold

Fav: I like all of them. I prefer Zell and Shino if I had to choose
Least Fav: only to have one here is Deirdre


Fav: Biskit
Least Fav: Marcel


Fav: Ketchup and Molly
Least Fav: the rest are ok

Fav: Quinn and Celia
Least Fav: Sterling

Fav: Chai and Tucker
Least Fav: Bigtop


Fav: Lily
Least Fav: Diva and Gigi

Fav: sherb
Least Fav: Gruff


Fav: again I don’t usually have any of these but I do like Hans
Least Fav: the rest are ok I just don’t like to have them

Fav: Apple and Flurry
Least Fav: Clay


Fav: once more I don’t like them no fav
Least Fav: Harry


Fav: Julian and Reneigh
Least Fav: Clyde and Ed


Fav: I don’t care for any of them
Least Fav: no opinion

Fav: Faith is the only one I care to have
Least Fav: no opinion

Fav: Elvis just because of the name
Least Fav: don’t care to have any of them

Fav: I’ve only ever had Deli
Least Fav: no opinion

Fav: Bree and Petri
Least Fav: Limberg


Fav: Cephalobot
Least Fav: Octavian


Fav: Julia is gorgeous
Least Fav: I like them all so none

Fav: Sprinkle
Least Fav: Boomer, Puck, and Tex


Fav: no opinion
Least Fav: I dislike them all sorry

Fav: Bonbon, Genji, and Sasha
Least Fav: Pippy and Tiffany


Fav: none
Least Fav: don’t like any

Fav: Dom and Muffy are the only ones I like
Least Fav: the rest

Fav: Ione is gorgeous
Least Fav: Sheldon


Fav: Bianca
Least Fav: don’t care for the rest

Fav: ok like love all the wolves but top 3 are Audie, Fang, and Vivian
Least Fav: I like them all so no one is here.