Favorite Animal Crossing Music


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Easter Bunny
Classic Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Which song in Animal Crossing is your favorite? Pick from the following categories:

  • Outdoor music
  • K.K. Songs
  • Holiday Songs
  • Misc. (Music played in buildings, theme songs, character jingles, etc.)

I find it very difficult to pick favorite in general, but Animal Crossing music makes it even more difficult. Even though the Wild World/City Folk music doesn't compare to the original, they are all great and it's difficult to pick. Here's my list:

  • Fireworks Festival- City Folk
    This might be the one song that City Folk improved on over the original. Memories of late night bug hunting and being chased by scorpions/tarantulas are still fresh in my mind.

Here's my Animal Crossing playlist too, if you ever want to check it out.
Rainy Day

K.K. Salsa/Technopop

New Years

GC opening title