Favorite animal crossing?


Call me Mikey
Jan 26, 2014
My favorite animal crossing is new leaf! I use to love city folk but once new leaf came out I loved it! I like it because it's easier to get money and there's way more customization! Why do you love your animal crossing game?
original because it was so much better and had so many more things than all of the more recent animal crossings
I still don't understand why they decided to remove like 100 villagers, those big rivers with the small fishing port, actual bushes and the occasional football/basket ball... :9
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Definitely New Leaf, for the money grinding purposes. Other Animal Crossings don't get as good as New Leaf in cutting down some of the grind in a conventional manner.
Overall New Leaf, though I do prefer Wild Worlds music and character dialogue/interaction.
Bear in mind I haven't played City Folk ..

I think my favorite is New Leaf. It just has so many new features, new characters, and .. new everything. I think the graphics look better, and the island really adds more fun to the game. I've been playing for a while now and I still have a lot of things I have left to unlock.

With that said, I think Wild World was better in some areas. I don't know if this is true or not, but I swear my villagers said a lot more in WW. A LOT more. Can someone confirm this cause it's seriously bothering me .. I swear my characters repeat themselves so much now in comparison to WW. Also, I believe this is an unpopular opinion, but I liked sharing the same house with all my other characters. Seeing them sleeping in their beds was so cute and I have a hard time filling up one house with sets, let alone 4. That might change once I complete my mayor's house, who knows ..
It was the first that started it all. The villager personalities had so much more charm
and back then, at least for me, there wasn't really the idea/knowledge to look ahead of time at which villagers there were to choose from. There were so many more activities/events that just were cooler to me. The music was ten times better than NL as well.
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I started playing with Wild World, and I have to say that New Leaf is definitely my favorite. Although I enjoyed both WW and CF, both of them just weren't as interesting for me, and I probably only played them for about a month before I got bored. Plus, I didn't have the wifi features with either of them (my parents wouldn't give me the key until I got my laptop), and that definitely has made New Leaf much better. I'm honestly surprised I've been playing it for so long. I've never played a game for over 6 months, and it's especially interesting when compared to how long I could play the other Animal Crossing games.
Yah I really liked the GameCube too! Why don't they have those randomly spawning balls anymore?
My favourite is New Leaf, then Gamecube, followed by City Folk/Let's go to the City and Wild World.

I like that you can place your house and other things where you want in New Leaf, but I miss the big town maps in Gamecube. I also liked that the river forks in Wild World and City Folk, and I miss that in New Leaf. It would have been nice if the town plaza or your house could be on a little river island :)
The villagers personalities and the music were better in the first game. It's really hard to go back to that acre system top-down-view though. Wild World was the first one I played but I reckon New Leaf tops it. City Folk got old really fast, to me it just felt too much of a re-hash.
im so sorry to jump in on this thread but can anyone tell me how I start a new thread on here? I only joined a few days ago so do I need to be a member for a certain time before I can post? I have questions about NL I need to ask and cant
1. Animal Crossing: Villager personalities were not watered down at all, cranky's were actually rude etc, the game felt so much more immersive with the acre system and much larger, there was not all the artificial attachment to villagers and popularity
2. New Leaf
3. Wild World
4. City Folk
wild world, for nostalgic reasons. new leaf is definitely the best of all of them considering the features, graphics, etc. but i'll always have a soft spot for wild world
original because it was so much better and had so many more things than all of the more recent animal crossings
I still don't understand why they decided to remove like 100 villagers, those big rivers with the small fishing port, actual bushes and the occasional football/basket ball... :9

We have actual bushes in NL.

New Leaf is amazing.

WW is awesome, it was my first game and I was disappointed that there were no REAL holidays. I did love August for the fireworks.

CF was fun.

Gamecube, looking, back, was terrible. The acre system was ridiculously annoying. The balls were absolutely stupid.

The only reason people are attached to villagers and personality now is because of Wi-Fi. Iff GC had Wi-Fi, you know the whole villager trading crap would happen now.

there was not all the artificial attachment to villagers and popularity

*looks at your signature*

Oh, look, Stitches, Tia, Marshal are in your town, and Ankha and Hamlet are two of your dreamies. I don't think you should be complaining how the past game didn't have artificial attachment to villagers and popularity when you have five of the tier one "dreamies" in your town. Yeah, complain all you want about artificial attachment in NL and the lack of it in GC while you perpetuate it.
Oh, look, Stitches, Tia, Marshal are in your town, and Ankha and Hamlet are two of your dreamies. I don't think you should be complaining how the past game didn't have artificial attachment to villagers and popularity when you have five of the tier one "dreamies" in your town. Yeah, complain all you want about artificial attachment in NL and the lack of it in GC while you perpetuate it.

im sorry but my bby hamlet isnt popular k? ;(
1.New leaf. Undeniably the best, almost no problems
2.Wild world. Holidays absent but rest of the game was entertaining and portable.
3.City folk. Only played this one for a short time then stopped. Its basically wild world but shinier and with grass wear.

Never played the gamecube version. However good the game is though, it is waaaaaaay more popular than it should be because it is protected by a nostalgia layer.
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My first AC game was the first game on gamecube. It's what introduced me to the series (duh)
Since I got New Leaf, it reawakened my passion for the series- so its a tough choice claiming a favorite.