favorite cereal


My favorite cereals are two that were discontinued a long time ago,Jean LaFoote's Cinnamon Crunch and Smurf Berry Crunch.As far as current cereals go I like Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries and Grape Nuts.
my favorite is honey bunches of oats! waiting for the day i can eat cereal again lmao wisdom teeth i hate you
i love cereal omg especially cinnamon toast crunch, krave and reese’s puffs! i like any sugary cereal though
I love cocoa krispies, but it kinda sucks bc you have to eat it hella fast or else it gets soggy 😂

I also really like Reese's Puffs though! and they don't get soggy as easily hehe
I don't eat cereal these days, but when I used to, most of the time I'd go for stuff like Shredded Wheat or the various styles of Cheerios. Plain Cheerios are good, as are Honey Nut, and I also liked Very Berry Cheerios as well.

That said, none of those are what I'd call a favorite. I always liked to get the General Mills Monster Cereals in October to enhance the Halloween season; Boo Berry, Franken Berry and Count Chocula. Yes, I'm nothing if not predictable. I'd probably have to say that Count Chocula is/was my favorite of those, but I like all three of them.

Carmella Creeper was pretty okay too. I tried Fruit Brute and (I think?) Fruity Yummy Mummy a few years ago after they came back from being discontinued ages ago, but I don't really remember how much I did or didn't like them since they disappeared again the following year. I did see a display of Fruit Brute at a store last year, probably should've bought one. I don't think I much care for Monster Mash.

I probably won't get any of them this year since I've cut out most heavily processed foods, but eh, who knows, maybe just one box of Count Chocula to slowly work through as an occasional treat? Or maybe next year. We'll see.
honey bunches of oats honey roasted has always been my go to cereal, I never get tired of it. I don’t mind the one with almonds either. cinnamon toast crunch I like every once in awhile. I also like honey nut cheerios but I mostly only like to snack on it without milk.
In summer, Corn Flake and Rice Krispies
The rest of the year, Weetabix, Shredded wheat spoon size
As a snack, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
I love Froot Loops! Perfect cereal with or without milk. In high school and college I'd munch on Froot Loops a lot while studying :]
I love Kix! I think it's just mildly sweet (I don't actually like all those super sugary cereals!), and I could snack on it all day long. Corn Chex is a nice snack runner up.

I also like muesli for its fun crunchy textures, and surprise sweet raisin bits

But sadly I'm an old person now and most of the time I eat plainoatmeal with a little fruit (fresh fruit if I have some, otherwise some dried cranberries)
I don't eat cereal often.. maybe a couple times a year, or even every other year! BUt I think my top 5 would be:

1. Fruity Pebbles
2. Choco Pillows
3. Cookie Crisp
4. Reese's Puffs
5. Golden Grahams

Maybe not quite in that order, idk.. They're all so sugary yummy goodness
I used to like eating Frosties, Chex (especially coco chex), and the regular old corn flakes for breakfast.

Speaking of Chex, I can't believe I'm craving for one now despite chex not being sold in nearby stores anymore 😔.
Zucaritas. Otherwise known as Frosted Flakes. I don't really eat a lot of cereal for breakfast anymore tbh