so everyone like's dinosaurs right? Of course you do or at least you did when you were kid, especially in the 90's with Jurassic park and it's sequel. Now i would like to discuss what your favorite dinosaur is and if you would like you can describe how it was depicted in any of the Jurassic park movie. Now my favorite Dinosaur is Dilophosaurus. It lived during the early Jurassic and was one of the first larger predatory dinosaurs. It was 20 fet long and about as tall as the average man. It's called Dliphosaurus which means to crested lizard because it had two side by side crests on it's head. Both males and females had the crests so their use is debated. Now in Jurassic park it is instead depicted as a much small animal and is more of a poison spitting frilled lizard. I've always hated how it's depicted as i think how it really was would have been much more appealing to see. But that;s how it was in the book i guess so whatever.