Favorite K.K. Song?

I love Stale Cupcakes!

And what also is really really nice is in Happy Home Designer the song Imperial KK in the music box with the alpine background thing! Its soooo mysterious *-*
Animal Crossing's music is really great, so it's so hard to pick just one favorite song.

I like K.K. Condor because it sounds so nostalgic to me, K.K. Jongara sounds amazing on any kind of version in the game (original, live, DJ K.K's remix, music box...), K.K. Imperial is awesome and makes me feel like I'm pumped up to take a challenge in an action movie (also just like K.K. Jongara it sounds great on different versions), and I like K.K. D&B too because it sounds so mysterious and futuristic but it also has an elegant flair to it.
I think my favorite really depends on whether it's the live version or the aircheck. My favorite live version is probably Two Days Ago, although Forest Life comes in a close second because of the nostalgia. My favorite aircheck is Go K.K. Rider.
some of my favourite kk songs are kk ?tude, kk condor, kk gumbo, kk sonata, stale cupcakes and marine song 2001.
there are so many i love, but i just can't pick one! ;A;
I love lots, but if I had to choose, it'd be K.K Stroll. It's just so calming and happy. It always calms me down. My other favorites are K.K Island, Space K.K, Marine Song 2001, Mountain song and Stale Cupcakes. They're all just so good though.
It would have to be K.K. Marathon. It's so happy and calming. K.K. Faire comes a really close second because it sounds funny and Antonio has it in his house. It really grew on me. :D
me too! I forgot to add that..... hahaha. I love listening to it while I play on smashville in super smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash brothers :)
My favorite live song is Hypno KK, and my favorite songs are Forest Life, Bubblegum KK, Hypno KK, Two Days Ago, and especially Stale Cupcakes. There's just something light, calm, and somewhat sad about the song that will always have a deep connection with me. I really enjoy listening to that song. I think my favorite aircheck would be between KK Jongara and Steep Hill.