Favorite New Reaction?

Favorite New Reaction?

  • Feelin' It

    Votes: 41 20.5%
  • Confetti

    Votes: 98 49.0%
  • Viva

    Votes: 41 20.5%
  • Let's Go!

    Votes: 20 10.0%

  • Total voters
feelin' it is a mood, not gonna lie

but as someone who collects party supplies, i gotta go with the confetti reaction
i don't even like parties but i love confetti 💕🎉
I think they're all fantastic, but considering it replaced Flourish in my reaction wheel, Viva is the best out of them all. lol
All the new reactions are really good! I can see myself using every one if them..but I really have to go with Confetti. The flying confetti animation is too good 🎉🎉
Viva definitely is the winner for me it's just so good!

Although I was pleasantly surprised that the confetti reaction just keeps on going instead of throwing a set amount of confetti and then stopping. The way that the "glee" reaction only produces 4 music notes before stopping makes it annoying for photoshoots in my opinion so I am really glad confetti doesn't do that!
For me, it’s a tough choice between feelin’ it and confetti, but I think I’m going to have to go with confetti! c:
:c I honestly thought feeling it would have been the most popular. I didn't think confetti would be popular at all or Viva lol
feelin it for sure! I like all of them honestly but that one just gives me the best vibes
Mine is confetti. It’s so fun to throw confetti up in the air lol. :)
They are all really fun. If I had to pick a favorite it would be confetti followed closely by let’s go.