Tabby is my favorite cat hands down. I remember seeing her in the gamecube game when I was a kid and thinking “wtf is THAT??” Eventually she grew on me and now she’s one of my favorite villagers of all time. Go figure.
I love these photos you took of Merry before she left its one of the cutest things I have seen hereThat's almost too hard(except Tabby, I just don't like Tabby)
But... before I would've said Tangy 'cause she's just delightfully odd (normally I dislike overly themed villagers, but I had her a long time in WW and she's special to me). BUT my first peppy in this game was Merry (I recognized her name and SQUEED when I saw it because, even though I'd never had her before, I knew she was an adorable cat) And she stayed for MONTHS before I was ready to let her go. I just love her coloring/expression/everything. She was such a cutie pie that she's worked her way into my heart as my top peppy kitty! I did a photoshoot with her when I did eventually let her leave:
In case you didn't get it, she left Woodland to be a STAR