I love crankies, snooties, smugs and normals. However I think a town needs various different personalities to not be monotonous so I wouldn't have a town just made of those 4 personalities. Too bad most of the uchi villagers are so uncute to me... :c
Mine are the smugs. There's something so charming about their suave, flirtatious way of speaking that I can't help but love them to pieces. Of course, I'd draw it alongside the lazy villagers. I've always liked na?ve characters in fiction, and the childishness of the lazies never fails to get an affectionate chuckle out of me. I've even been questioning whether I like them or smugs more.
But I picked peppy, because it's the opposite of me IRL, and it's something I wish I could change about myself a bit. I get really cheered up when I talk to Carmen, and I wish I could do what she does for me, for other people. Instead, I think I sometimes bring people down a bit when I talk about sad things...like alllll the time. :c (There I did it again!)