Pokémon Favorite Pokémon Locations?


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
My favorite city would have to be Mauville, specifically the one in Gen 6. It seems almost like a primitive arcology, since most of it is indoors. Really captures what I like about the Pok?mon world, in that it's futuristic, but still close to our current world.

I loved The Under from Pok?mon Colosseum. The Orre region didn't have a lot of locations, but the ones it did have are really good. Too bad it was abandoned in XD. I think they still could have shown the state of the region improving without deleting an entire city, even if said city was a crime ridden slum.

Big Town is anime exclusive, but it's one of my favorite locations. I'd love to see it in a game someday, even if the chances are pretty much nonexistent. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Big_Town

Marine Tube is my favorite non-city location. I would love to have something like that in real life. I think it shows the prosperity of Unova, since you could probably easily build a bridge for much cheaper. The fact that they can afford something as extravagant as this shows the current state of the region.

Sorry if this thread already exists. I didn't see one anywhere.
For city locations it would have to be Snowpoint City for me, as it takes so long to get there in D/P/PT that the nice scenery feels worth it.

Non-city location? Probably Mount Coronet. 10 year old me could not even fathom how large a mountain would have to be to split a region in half like that.
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For region, definitely Hoenn. I loved everything about the gen 3 games, so that's def my first pick.

For specicfic locations, I really like (Gen 3) Mauville City, and the route directly to the left of it cause that's where the daycare is, and there's a sliver of path that makes hatching eggs really easy ^^

Also Turnback Cave cause that's where you catch Giratina xDD
Just thought I would bump this thread due to this board experiencing more activity than normal, and because I think the topic is still interesting.
Laverre City atmosphere is so fairy tale and magic, the only locations that impressed me of all.

Not sure if this applies, but I like any spooky areas in the game cause that means ghost Pokemon. :)
The Alola region. I lived in Hawaii for a while and you can really see that Game Freak took influence from a lot of real life things there.
Laverre City atmosphere is so fairy tale and magic, the only locations that impressed me of all.


Just wanted to say that is some beautiful art. I love how talented some of the Pok?mon community members can be.
I think Hoenn has a lot of nice locations. Fortree City is probably my favorite city across all generations. I just really enjoyed the idea of a city built amongst all of the treetops. It was really cute and unique.

I also really like the aesthetic of Pacifidlog Town. Sad that not much really happens there, at least not that I remember..